Is being pro-business and pro-capitalism the same? Does capitalism generate an unfair distribution of income? Was capitalism responsible for the most recent financial crisis? Dr. Jeffrey Miron at Harvard answers these questions by exposing three common myths of capitalism.
Da li je biti pro-biznis i pro-kapitalizam jedno te isto? Da li kapitalizam stvara nepravednu distribuciju prihoda? Da li je kapitalizam kriv za skorašnju financijsku krizu? Doktor Jeffrey Miron sa Harvarda odgovara na ova pitanja uz objašnjavanje tri tipična mita o kapitalizmu.
Stefan Molyneux of Freedomainradio ( draws parallels between family and state. He points out that the best way to change the government for the better is by changing the family.
Stefan Molyneux, voditelj popularnog Freedomainradio šoua ( povlači paralele između države i porodice. U videu se ukazuje na to da je najbolji način da se država promijeni na bolje putem mijenjanja porodice.
At the International Leaders Summit - Regional Conference, June 16-18, 2011 in Opatija, Croatia, Daniel Hannan, MEP, UK and Secretary General, Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists (AECR) took time and visited with RI-TV's Anchor Barbara Konestabo. In this interview, Mr. Hannan focuses on Croatia's EU accession, the Eurozone crisis, EU budget, corruption in Europe, Croatia's sovereignty, reforms, EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and pertinent issues.
Intervju RI-TV sa Danielom Hannanom, članom europskog parlamenta, u vezi budućeg Hrvatskog članstva u europskoj uniji. (The International Leaders Summit - Opatija, Croatia, 16-6-2011)
(video na dnu članka)
2013 godine Hrvatska će vjerovatno postati član Europske Unije, šta se time mijenja za našu zemlju?
Professor Don Boudreaux demonstrates the subjectivity of value by comparing a Che Guevara and Milton Friedman t-shirt. He finds that value cannot be determined objectively, as the value of the thing is held only the mind of the beholder. Therefore, value is not a product of the amount of labor or resources required to make it. Rather, value is determined by the preferences of individuals.
Profesor Don Boudreaux demonstrira subjektivitet vrijednosti uspoređujući majice sa likovima Che Guevare i Miltona Friedmana. On zaključuje da se vrijednost ne može objektivno utvrditi, pošto je vrijednost nečega kreirana u samome umu posmatrača. Prema tome, vrijednost nije proizvod količine rada ili sredstava koja su potrebna da se neka stvar napravi. Umjesto toga, vrijednost je određena preferencijom pojedinaca.
Nigel Farage responding to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk who said that we in the EU don't even know how lucky we are
We live in an age when the gap between ordinary voters and the European political class grows wider by the day, I have to ask you having listened to your words this morning, just what planet are you on?