What is Classical Liberalism/Libertarianism

A video in which Dr. Nigel Ashford from the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS) explains the 10 core principles of the classical liberal & libertarian view of society and the proper role of government:


1) Liberty as the primary political value

2) Individualism

3) Skepticism about power

4) Rule of Law

5) Civil Society

6) Spontaneous Order

7) Free Markets

8) Toleration

9) Peace

10) Limited Government



Miroslav Prokopijević crta ekonomsko-političku sliku Srbije

Gost radio emisije Peščanik, profesor Miroslav Prokopijević govori o današnjoj ekonomsko-političkoj slici Srbije. (17-12-2010)


preuzeto sa banemitic YouTube kanala.


European Arrest Warrants and Violations of Basic Human Rights


Corfe Castle in Dorset, with its keep and dungeons where in the early 13th century king John kept his most important prisoners. Eight hundred years ago, pre-Magna Carta, if you crossed the king you could expect to be incarcerated in a dungeon like this, without trial or any legal protection.



Evropski Nalozi za Hapšenja i Kršenja Osnovnih Ljudskih Prava


Corfe dvorac u Dorsetu, sa svojim spremištem i tamnicama gdje je u ranom trinaestom stoljeću kralj John držao svoje najvažnije zatvorenike. Prije 800 godina, prije Magne Carte, ako ste prevarili kralja mogli ste očekivati da ćete biti zatvoreni u tamnici poput ove, bez suđenja ili bilo kakve zakonske protekcije.



Nigel Farage – EU is Buying Its Own Debt

Nigel Farage speaking about democracy, European debt, Belgium, Ireland, UK, Yugoslavia, EU...

In European Parliament, 8th of March 2011.



Nigel Farage – EU Kupuje Svoje Vlastite Dugove

Nigel Farage o demokraciji, Evropskom dugu, Belgiji, Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu...

U Evropskom Parlamentu, 8. Marta 2011 godine.



Has the European Union gone bananas?

Speaks David Campbell Bannerman, in European Parliament, February 2nd 2011:


Madam President,


Da li je Evropska Unija Pošizila?

Govori David Campbell Bannerman, u Evropskom Parlamentu 2. Februar 2011 godine:


Gospođo Predsjednice,


Nigel Farage welcomes Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán to EU Parliament

Mr Orbán, welcome.

After the six-month farce of the Belgian presidency it's nice to see an elected prime minister from a proper country.

And how I enjoyed your denouncement of communism as a dangerous ideology, and I noted the pride that you took in the fact that Hungary were the first country to take up arms against the Soviet Union.


Nigel Farage izražava dobrodošlicu premijeru Mađarske Viktoru Orbánu u EU Parlamentu

Gospodine Orbán, dobrodošli.

Nakon šest mjeseci farse Belgijskog predsjedništva lijepo je vidjeti izabranog premijera iz postojeće zemlje.

A kako sam uživao u Vašem optuživanju komunizma, kao opasne ideologije, i primjetio sam Vaš ponos koji ste pokazali u činjenici da je Mađarska bila prva zemlja koja se suprotstavila Sovjetskom Savezu.



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