Milton Friedman: odgovornost države prema siromašnima

Koja je uloga države po pitanju brige o siromašnima? Pogledajte snimak odgovora profesora Milton-a Friedman-a na ovo važno pitanje, dato tokom jedne od lekcija na Stanford Univerzitetu (oko 1979 godine).


Peter Schiff Speaks for 1% at Occupy Wall Street

Peter Schiff speaks to demonstrators at Occupy Wall Street, in an attempt to show that not all of them blame capitalism for the current economic crisis in the United States, to explain to the opposition the common misconceptions about capitalism, to educate them about the right causes of the current economic crisis, and to direct their protests to the right address.

video taken from ReasonTV YouTube channel


Peter Schiff ispred demonstranata Okupirajmo Wall Street

Peter Schiff ispred demonstranata Okupirajmo Wall Street, u pokušaju da pokaže da među demonstrantima nisu samo oni koji krive kapitalizam za trenutnu ekonomsku situaciju u Americi, da opoziciji razjasni miskoncepcije u vezi kapitalizma, da ih educira o pravim izvorima problema, i da ih uputi na pravu adresu na koju treba usmjeriti proteste.

video preuzet sa ReasonTV YouTube kanala


Milton Friedman About Public Education and Shift in Responsibility From Individual to Collective

Who is responsible for the mistakes of the individual?  The individual himself or the collective?  Who is responsible for the education of the individual?  His parents or the society as a whole?  In the following video Milton Friedman explains the shift in views from individual responsibility in 19th century to collective responsibility in 20th century.

video taken from straighttothebottom YouTube channel


Milton Friedman o javnom školstvu i promjeni odgovornosti sa lične na kolektivnu

Ko snosi odgovornost za pogreške pojedinca, sam pojedinac ili cjeli kolektiv?  Ko je odgovoran za edukaciju djeteta, njegovi roditelji ili cjelokupno društvo?  U slijedećem video klipu Milton Friedman objašnjava promjenu gledišta na ova pitanja sa individualne odgovornosti u devetnaestom vijeku na kolektivnu odgovornost u dvadesetom vijeku.

preuzeto sa straighttothebottom YouTube kanala


Balkan Route: Nataša Srdoč Meets With Helsinki Commission About Croatia's 550,000 Illegal Votes

Through the leadership of US Senator Jeff Sessions who Nataša Srdoč, President, Hrvatska 21. Stoljeća - Croatia 21st Century (H21) met at great length with this past week including leading members of the US Congress on Capitol Hill, both Senator Jeff Sessions and The Heritage Foundation's leadership supported efforts for Nataša Srdoč to meet with The Helsinki Commission. Today's meeting will focus on Croatia's 550,000 illegal votes, democracy deficiencies - including the weak rule of law, significant concerns of rampant corruption in Croatia and ties to organized crime and the perilous Balkan Route.


550,000 ilegalnih glasova u Hrvatskim izborima

Hrvatska 21. Stoljeća: Objava za medije - Nataša Srdoč u Washington D.C.-u razgovara o 550,000 ilegalnih glasova i neslobodnim i nepoštenim izborima u Hrvatskoj
(prenosimo u cijelosti)

 Nataša Srdoč, Predsjednica Hrvatske 21. stoljeća, predstavljajući hrvatsku tihu većinu, građane i glasače u susretima na visokom nivou s izabranim predstavnicima, think tank i medija liderima u Washington D.C.-u razgovara o 550,000 ilegalnih glasova i neslobodnim i nepoštenim izborima u Hrvatskoj


Ron Paul's Economic Plan to Restore America

In a press conference held on October 17th 2011, republican congressman and candidate for republican nomination for presidential elections in 2012, Dr. Ron Paul had presented his economic plan for the restoration of America.
Some of the notable things that stand out in his plan are:
- balancing the budget within three years
- slashing 1 trillion dollars in the first year (1,000,000,000,000)
- gradual restructuring and elimination of five federal departments
- gradual elimination of 221,200 unproductive government jobs


Ron Paul-ov plan za ekonomski oporavak Amerike

U press konferenciji održanoj 17. Oktobra 2011, republikanski kongresmen i kandidat za republikanskog predstavnika za predsjedničke izbore u 2012 godini, Ron Paul objavio je svoj plan za ekonomski oporavak Amerike.
U njegovom planu se između ostalog ističu slijedeće stvari:
- uravnoteženje budžeta u roku 3 godine
- smanjenje budžeta u prvoj godini za 1 bilijardu dolara (1,000,000,000,000)
- postepena eliminacija pet federalnih službi
- ukidanje 221,200 neproduktivnih državnih radnih mjesta


Daniel Hannan: Amputation is Now the Only Way to Save Ourselves

Daniel Hannan - MEP for South East England, EU Parliament - October 13th 2011.


Thank you madam deputy speaker. We had yesterday the published reform of the common agriculture policy. Spending on the CAP is not going to be cut in absolute terms, and in proportionate terms it's going to have a massive cut from 40% of the budget to 38 point something.



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