July 1st 2013 was celebrated as a great success for the Republic of Croatia. Well, that is what we were told by Croatia’s major media communications groups. After more than a decade of striving, the Republic of Croatia finally became a member of the European Union. The truth is that only a smaller number of citizens celebrated that day. The vast majority of the citizens of Republic of Croatia did not experience the very act of accession as a success of their country, especially not as success by its own merit. And with a good reason; the Republic of Croatia is not a successful country.
Prvi srpnja 2013 slavio se kao veliki uspjeh Republike Hrvatske. Tako barem govore svi značajniji dnevni i tjedni mediji u Republici Hrvatskoj. Nakon više od desteljeća ustrajanja, Republika Hrvatska postala je članica Europske Unije. Međutim, točan podatak je da je na taj dan slavio samo manji broj građana. Većina građana čin ulaska u Europsku Uniju nije doživjela kao uspjeh svoje zemlje, a posebice ne kao svoj uspjeh. I to s razlogom. Republika Hrvatska nije uspješna zemlja. Niti će ju samo članstvo u Europskoj Uniji učiniti uspješnom.
Zaostavština Miltona Friedmana 2013 event Lion Rock instituta u Hong Kongu.
I. Posljednji izlagač Jadranko Brkic govori o kontinuiranim multigeneracijskim neuspjesima zemalja zapadnog Balkana da prepoznaju i prihvate tržišne ideje Miltona Friedmana, a što je dovelo do propuštenih prilika za ekonomski prosperitet u regionu.
II. Završni komentari: Bill Stacey, Chairman of the Lion Rock Institute.
Lion Rock Institute 2013 Milton Friedman Legacy Cocktail in Hong Kong.
I. Final third speaker Jadranko Brkic talks about how repeated multigenerational failures to recognize and embrace the ideas of Milton Friedman have led to missed opportunities for economic prosperity in countries of Western Balkans.
II. Closing remarks by Bill Stacey, Chairman of the Lion Rock Institute.
Milton Friedman i Phil Donahue diskutuju o percepciji da je kapitalizam pohlepan sistem, i kako kapitalizam nije ništa pohlepniji nego bilo koji drugi sistem, premda su ljudi koji žive u kapitalizmu prosperitetniji. odlomak iz intervjua 1979 godine.
Phil Donahue:
Kada vidite nepravednu distribuciju bogatstva širom svijeta, očajna stradanja miliona ljudi u nerazvijenim zemljama, kada vidite tako malo onih koji imaju i toliko mnogo onih koji nemaju, kada vidite pohlepu i koncentraciju moći, da li ste ikada na trenutak posumnjali u kapitalizam i da li je pohlepa dobra ideja na čijem principu društvo treba funkcionirati?
Milton Friedman and Phil Donahue discuss greed, the perception that capitalism is greedy, and how capitalism is no more greedy than any other system yet its people are better off. An excerpt from an interview with Phil Donahue in 1979.
Phil Donahue:
When you see around the globe the maldistribution of wealth, the desperate plight of millions of people in underdeveloped countries, when you see so few haves and so many have-nots, when you see the greed and the concentration of power, did you ever have a moment of doubt about capitalism and whether greed's a good idea to run on?
2013 Free Market Road Show in Belgrade, Serbia. Panel 2 - Deregulation vs Regulation: What brings an economy back on track?
Chair: Pavle Mihajlovic (Blogger at Club von Neumannblog and economic analyist at Libek and the Political Accountability Network)
Keynote: Ben Powell (Director of the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University and Visiting Professor in the Rawls College of Business)
Terry Anker (CEO, The Anker Consulting Group)
Dušan Miljević (Global Book Publishing Company)
2013 Free Market Road Show u Beogradu, Srbija. Panel 2 - Deregulacija ili Regulacija: Šta ekonomiju vraća nazad na pravi put?
Chair: Pavle Mihajlovic (Blogger at Club von Neumannblog and economic analyist at Libek and the Political Accountability Network)
Keynote: Ben Powell (Director of the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University and Visiting Professor in the Rawls College of Business)
Terry Anker (CEO, The Anker Consulting Group)
Dušan Miljević (Global Book Publishing Company)
Nigel Farage govori o neuspjeloj Inicijativi za zapošljavanje mladih i najnovijem proširenju EU imperije prijemom Hrvatske. On je između ostalog rekao: "mi smo ponudili novčanu nagradu za prvi euroskeptički članak koji se pojavi u hrvatskim novinama, a tokom tri godine koje su prethodile referendumu nismo morali da isplatimo taj novac. I to je cijela poenta. Radi se o jednostranoj političkoj debati, a sve to je vezano za moć Brisela i pohlepu i sujetu političara u državama članicama."Debata evropskog parlamenta: Conclusions of the European Council meeting (27-28 June 2013) u Strasburgu, 2. juli, 2013. Video izvor: UKIPmepsYouTube kanal.
Nigel Farage talking about a failed Youth Employment Initiative and an expanded EU empire through the accession of Croatia. He went on to say that “we offered a prize for the first euro-skeptic article to appear in a Croatian newspaper, and in the three years leading up to the referendum we didn't have to give away any money. And that's the point. It's a one-sided political debate, and it's all about the power of Brussels and the greed and vanity of politicians in member states.” European Parliament debate: Conclusions of the European Council meeting (27-28 June 2013) in Strasbourg on July2, 2013. Source: UKIPmepsYouTube channnel.