Ayn Rand, ljudsko pravo

"Svako navodno ljudsko pravo jedne osobe, koje podrazumijeva otimanje prava druge osobe nije i ne može biti 'ljudsko pravo'."  -  Ayn Rand

Prevod i grafika: Dimitrije M. Popovic, libertarijanizam.org 


George Ought to Help

Imagine you have a friend called George. You've been friends since childhood. Although you're not as close as you were back then, you still see each other once in a while and get along very well. One day you and George are approached by an old mutual friend, Oliver. Oliver explains that he's had a run of bad luck and is raising money to cover tuition fees for his kids. You want to help Oliver out so you give him some money. To your surprise George doesn't offer Oliver any help. You try to persuade him but it's no use.


Džordž bi trebao da pomogne

Zamislite da imate prijatelja koji se zove Džordž. Prijatelji ste od djetinjstva. Iako niste bliski kao što ste nekada bili, i dalje se viđate s vremena na vrijeme i lijepo se slažete. Jednog dana sretnete starog zajedničkog prijatelja, Olivera. Oliver kaže da ga prati loša sreća i da je prinuđen skupljati novac za pokrivanje školarine za svoju djecu.


I, Pencil!

How a simple pencil can help you to better understand the modern world? Croatian translation by: Association for Promotion of individual Liberty 'Iustitia': http://www.iustitia.hr/en


Ja, olovka!

Kako vam jedna obična olovka može pomoći da bolje razumijete moderni svijet? Prevod: Udruga za promicanje individualne slobode Iustitia: http://www.iustitia.hr


Regionalna konferencija u Beogradu - European Students for Liberty

Druga po redu regionalna konferencija European Students For Liberty u Belgradu, Srbija. Domaćini ove konferencije će biti organizacija "Libek," najveća pro-libertarijanska organizacija u Srbiji, uz pomoć lokalne grupe "Studenti za slobodu." Manifestacija će se održati na Fakultetu političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu.

Saznajte više na ovom linku: http://studentsforliberty.org/europe/event/belgrade-regional-conference/


Belgrade Regional Conference - European Students for Liberty

Second European Students For Liberty regional conference in Belgrade, Serbia! This conference will be co-hosted by the biggest Serbian pro-liberty organization Libertarian Club Libek from Belgrade with support from the local group Studenti za slobodu. It will be held at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade in Belgrade, Serbia 

Event link: http://studentsforliberty.org/europe/event/belgrade-regional-conference/


Chain of obedience

Video taken from FreiwilligFrei and StormCloudsGathering. Used clips from the film Schindler's List and Equilibrium.

Translated by Savo Gajic


We've all heard of the chain of command. Usually people think of the term in the context of the military, corporate and government power structures, but in reality, all of modern society is implicated.
The chain of command sounds powerful, and it imbues the officers, bureaucrats, and petty dictators of the world with a sense importance and rank.
But the term is deceptive, and hiding behind it is an open secret, hiding in plain sight.
Power does not flow from the person who administers orders.
A command is inconsequential if it is ignored or laughed at.

Lanac Poslušnosti

"Možda upravo sada imamo na vlasti poremećeni čopor manijaka koji vladaju svijetom, ali oni nisu oni ljudi kojih se ja bojim.
Bojim se indoktriniranih masa koje će me na mjestu ubiti, samo ako se izda pravo naređenje.
Bojim se krda dobronamjernih idiota koji vjeruju da se pisani zakon i vlast trebaju slijediti po svaku cijenu ... čak i ako je to jasno nemoralno.
Problem nije komandni lanac, problem je lanac poslušnosti!"
Video preuzet sa FreiwilligFrei i StormCloudsGathering. Korišteni isječci su iz filmova Šindlerova lista i Equilibrium.
Preveo: Savo Gajić


Lanac Poslušnosti
Dobrovoljno Slobodni
Razmišljanje pomaže !

Ron Manners on his book Heroic Misadventures and advice on how to succeed in life and business

“I tell the young students that this is very important. When they are seeking a career, they produce a cv, a document saying how good they are. All those cv's, all those documents look alike. They come out of the educational system like peas out of a pod. When you are seeking someone for a very key position, you don't really want someone without that spark of individuality. You don't want somebody that's like a pea out of a pod. And it is that little event that happened in their life.”



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