Man's nature is tribal, hierarchical and collectivist. The "new normal" that follows the lockdowns was, in reality, normal everywhere until a couple of centuries ago. The brief interglacial is ending. Ahead lies endless ice. Source: DanHannan YouTube channel.
Activists blame “capitalism” for the world’s biggest problems, like the high costs of healthcare. Some even argue that economics itself is simply propaganda for businesses to exploit workers. Government schools often celebrate regulations, subsidies, and other interventions, because they protect consumers against “exploitative” businesses and capitalist “greed.”
Aktivisti krive „kapitalizam“ za najveće svjetske probleme, poput visokih troškova zdravstvene zaštite. Neki čak tvrde da je ekonomija sama po sebi jednostavno propaganda za biznise da eksploatišu radnike. Državne škole često uzdižu regulacije, subvencije i druge intervencije, jer štite potrošače od „eksploatacionih“ kompanija i kapitalističke „pohlepe“.
Critical thinking is more important than ever in times where the establishment accuses of Conspiracy Theory the voices that are contrary to their interests
Kritičko mišljenje je važnije nego ikad u vremenima kada establišment glasove koji su u suprotnosti sa njihovim interesima optužuje za teoriju zavjere.
Professor Friedman explains why the majority of Americans are not represented in the crony capitalistic system that prevails in America. Source: LibertyPen YouTube channel.
Profesor Friedman objašnjava zašto većina of Amerikanaca nisu zastupljeni u ortačkom kapitalističkom sistemu koji preovladava u Americi. Izvor: LibertyPen YouTube kanal.