Borba za osnovnu egzistenciju sputava razmišljanje o slobodi

Držite ih zauzetim svojom osnovnom životnom egzistencijom i oni neće imati vremena da razmišljaju o svojoj slobodi.


Voltaire - freedom of speech

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.  - Voltaire


Ne slažem se sa tim što govoriš

Ne slažem se sa tim što govoriš, ali ću do smrti braniti tvoje pravo da to slobodno kažeš. - Voltaire


Freedom is greater than luxuries

If you only had $30K, you wouldn't go out and buy a $30K car?
Yet for some reason people make $30K and go finance a $60K car.  Credit made people forget common sense & it's become the new normal.  Monthly payments destroy your monthly cash flow.  Remember freedom is greater than luxuries.


Sloboda je važnija od luksuza

Kada biste imali samo 30.000 dolara, tada ne biste kupili auto od 30 hiljada dolara? Ipak, iz nekog razloga ljudi zarađuju 30.000 dolara i financiraju automobil od 60.000 dolara. Kredit je učinio da ljudi zaborave zdrav razum i to je postalo nova normalnost. Mjesečne uplate uništavaju vaše mjesečne prihode. Zapamtite da je sloboda važnija od luksuza.


MEPs Protest Oppressive Vaccine Passports

MEPs Protest "Oppressive" Vaccine Passports, Question Why "Political Elites Push This Agenda This Hard" Excerpt from a speech by Christine Anderson, European Parliament.


Source: BREXIT-BOX TV YouTube channel.




Christine Anderson, European Parliament


Članovi EU parlamenta protestuju opresivne Covid propusnice

Članovi EU parlamenta protestuju "opresivne" vakcinske pasoše, preispituju "zašto političke elite guraju ovu agendu tako snažno." Video isječak iz govora Christine Anderson, Evropski parlament.


Izvor: BREXIT-BOX TV YouTube kanal.





When Henry Ford doubled the pay of his employees

In 1914, when Henry Ford doubled the pay of his employees from $2.25 per day to $5 per day, he did not do it for altruistic reasons. He did it to keep his employee turnover rate low. Ford needed to hire over 52,000 men for a workforce of only 14,000. New workers required a long break-in period and many would quit, which proved costly for the company's production line. Increasing their wages fixed the problem.


Kada je Henry Ford udvostručio plate svojih zaposlenih

Godine 1914, kada je Henry Ford udvostručio plate svojih zaposlenih sa $2,25 dolara dnevno na $5 dolara dnevno, nije to učinio iz altruističkih razloga. Učinio je to da zadrži nisku stopu gubitka radnika. Ford je morao da zaposli preko 52.000 ljudi za radnu snagu od samo 14.000. Novi radnici zahtijevali su dug period obuke i mnogi bi davali otkaz, što se pokazalo skupim za proizvodnu liniju kompanije. Povećanje njihovih plata riješilo je taj problem.


Lessons from a couple of social psychological experiments

The Milgram Experiment was a shock experiment by Stanley Milgram in the early 60's that tested people's willingness to shock others if instructed by an authority figure. Conclusion: 65%% of the participants would kill someone if an authority figure told them to.


The Asch Experiments were a series of experiments by Solomon Asch in the 50's that tested the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform. Conclusion: People were willing to ignore reality in order to conform to the group.



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