Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism – part 2: Milton Friedman and the Chicago School

How should we assess the merits of a law or government program? According to Milton Friedman and the members of the "Chicago School," we need to look at empirical evidence and see the consequences of laws. Many laws are well-intended, but do they actually have good outcomes? The Chicago School admits that markets do fail sometimes fails. But, they contend that government also fails, and that usually government failure is far greater than market failure. Dr. Ashford takes a close look at the Chicago school.

Translated by Matija Magerl (


Škole razmišljanja u klasičnom liberalizmu - 2 dio: Milton Friedman i Čikaška škola

Kako ocijeniti osnovanost nekog zakona ili vladinog programa? Prema Miltonu Fridmanu i članovima "Čikaške škole," moramo da pogledamo empirijske dokaze i sagledamo posljedice zakona. Mnogi zakoni su dobro smišljeni, ali da li oni zaista imaju dobre rezultate? Čikaška škola priznaje da tržišta ponekad prave greške. Ali, oni tvrde da vlada takođe pravi greške, kao i to da su greške vlada obično daleko veće od grešaka tržišta. Dr Ashford objašnjava pobliže Čikašku školu.

Prevod: Martija Magerl (Iustitia)


Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?

The idea that capitalism exploits workers stems from Karl Marx's work in the late 1800s. Although the definition of "exploitation" has changed since then, many still believe capitalist systems take advantage of vulnerable workers. Prof. Matt Zwolinski explains why capitalism actually tends to protect workers' interests. And Zwolinski contends that even if it were exploitative, increasing political regulation and control would actually make the problem worse. Increases in government make citizens more vulnerable to the state. Political officials are tempted to exploit this vulnerability for the benefit of the politically well connected. Unlike free market transactions, which are mutually beneficial, when politics is involved one party's gain usually comes at someone else's expense.

Croatian transcript version made by IustitiaTV YouTube channel.


Izrabljuje li kapitalizam radnike?

Kapitalizam se često prikazuje kao izrabljivački sustav koji šteti radnicima. No, je li to uistinu tako i što je alternativa?  Odgovor na ova pitanja daje Matt Zwolinski sa Sveučilišta u Diegu.

Preuzeto sa IustitiaTV YouTube kanala.


Cowardice Will Save the World

“That night, I sat in the jungles of Guadalcanal, waiting to be killed, sopping wet. Then I had my blinding revelation: I discovered I was a coward. That’s my new religion. I’m a coward. I’m a big believer in it. Cowardice will save the world.” … “We shall never end wars Mrs. Barum, by blaming it on ministers and generals, or warmongering imperialists, or all the other banal bogies. It's the rest of us who build statues to those generals and name boulevards after those ministers. The rest of us who make heroes of our dead and shrines of our battlefield.” - Charlie Madison in an American comedy-drama war film“The Americanization of Emily


Kukavičluk će spasiti svijet

“Te noći, mokar do kože, sjedio sam u džunglama Gvadalkanala čekajući da budem ubijen. Tada sam imao zasljepljujuće otkriće. Otkrio sam da sam kukavica. To je moja nova religija. Ja sam veliki vjernik u to. Kukavičluk će spasiti svijet!” … “Gospođo Barum, nikada nećemo prestati sa ratovanjem tako što okrivljujemo ministre i generale ili ratnohuškačke imperijaliste, ili sve ostale babaroge. Mi, ostali smo ti koji gradimo statue tim generalima i dajemo imena bulevarima po tim ministrima. To je do nas koji naše mrtve pretvaramo u heroje i naša bojna polja u svetilišta.” - Charlie Madison u američkom filmu Amerikanizacija Emilije” (The Americanization of Emily).


Šta je bitcoin?

Ova kratka video animacija je kratak uvod u Bitcoin, kreirana uz pomoc donacija Bitcoin zajednice.  Izvor prevoda: Dejan Petričević YouTube kanal.


What is Bitcoin?

This video is a short animated introduction to Bitcoin, made possible with donations from the Bitcoin community.  Source: weusecoins YouTube channel.


Godfrey Bloom: The State is an Institution of Theft

Godfrey Bloom: “Oh, well, Mr. President, I'm minded actually to quote the great American philosopher Murray Rothbard here that the state is an institution of theft writ large” ... “as the people get your number, it won't be long before they storm this chamber and they hang you, and they'll be right.” Debate: Action programme for taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020. European Parliament, Strasbourg, 21 November 2013. Source: europarl YouTube channel.

Translated by: Jadranko Brkic


Godfrey Bloom: Država je institucija krađe

Godfrey Bloom: “Pa, gospodine predsjedavajući, ponukan sam u stvari da citiram velikog američkog filozofa Murray Rothbard-a koji je rekao 'da je država institucija krađe, jasno i očigledno'” ... “kako vas ljudi jednom identificiraju, neće proći dugo vremena prije nego što napadnu ovaj Parlament i stave vas na vješala, i biti će u pravu sa tim činom.Debata: Program akcije za oporezivanje u Evropskoj uniji za period između 2014-2020. Evropski parlament, Strasbourg, 21 Novembar 2013. Izvor: europarl YouTube kanal.

Preveo: Jadranko Brkić



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