Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism, part 6: Anarcho-Capitalism

Do we even need a government? Some anarchist philosophers and economists don't think so. Dr. Nigel Ashford takes a look at two anarcho-capitalist thinkers, Murray Rothbard and David Friedman. Rothbard criticizes the state for its use of coercion, and Friedman criticizes it for its inefficiency. Both argue that there are free-market alternatives to all government services. Source: Learn Liberty YouTube channel.

Translated by: Matija Magerl (Iustitia)


Škole razmišljanja u klasičnom liberalizmu – 6 dio: Anarho-kapitalizam

Da li nam je potrebna država? Neki anarhistički filozofi i ekonomisti ne misle tako. Dr Nigel Ashford pravi osvrt na dvojicu anarho-kapitalističkih mislilaca, Murray Rothbard i David Friedman. Rothbard kritikuje državu za njenu upotrebu prinude, a Friedman je kritikuje zbog njene neefikasnosti. Obojica tvrde da postoje slobodno-tržišne alternative svim državnim službama. Izvor: Learn Liberty YouTube kanal.

Preveo: Matija Magerl (Udruga Iustitia)


Ministar privrede Srbije Saša Radulović o privrednom ambijentu i reformama u Srbiji za 2014

Ministar privrede Srbije Saša Radulović govori o privrednom ambijentu i reformama u Srbiji za 2014 godinu.  Radio televizija Bijeljina (TV BN) - Emisija "Info Arena" Voditelj : Milovan Jovanović - diplomirani politikolog i novinar.  (25 Dec. 2013) Video izvor:Мохиканац Срб


The Truth About Central Banks and Business Cycles

How does the banking system function and what is its role in a free market economy.  How central banks in cooperation with government authorities, by creating an artificial economic growth, cause larger and larger economic crises.

Translation source: IustitiaTV


Istina o centralnim bankama i poslovnim ciklusima

Kako funkcionira bankarski sustav i koja mu je uloga u slobodno-tržišnoj ekonomiji te kako središnje banke u saradnji s državnim vlastima, stvarajući umjetan rast ekonomije, uzrokuju sve veće i veće gospodarske krize.

Izvor: IustitiaTV


Self-sufficiency and Poverty vs. Specialization and High Productivity

British journalist, author and an economist Matt Ridley talks about how people working for each others, by specializing through division of labor - rather than relying on self-sufficiency, are able to mass produce incredibly complex products that no one single person knows how nor is able to produce. For more information about these ideas read Leonard E. Read's famous classic essay "I, Pencil." Source: zeitgeitminds YouTube channel.

Translated by: Jadranko Brkic


Samodovoljnost vodi ka siromaštvu a specijalizacija ka visokoj produktivnosti i prosperitetu

Britanski novinar, autor, i ekonomista Matt Ridley govori o tome kako ljudi radeći jedni za druge po specijalizovanom modelu podjele rada umjesto oslanjanjem na vlastitu samodovoljnost, su u stanju da masovno proizvode nevjerovatno kompleksne proizvode koje nijedan pojedinac nije u stanju sam da proizvede. Za više informacija o ideji podjele rada pročitajte čuveni esej "Ja, olovka" koji je pisao Leonard E. Read. Video izvor: zeitgeitminds YouTube kanal

Preveo: Jadranko Brkić


Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism, Part 5: Natural Rights

Do all people have natural rights? Philosophers Ayn Rand and Robert Nozick think so. Dr. Nigel Ashford examines the "natural rights" school of thought, in particular the theories of Rand and Nozick. Nozick and Rand both argue that government should never infringe upon our natural rights, and that government exists only to protect these natural rights. They also find that capitalism is the only moral economic system because it is based on voluntary exchange, not coercion.

Source link: Learn Liberty YouTube channel.

Translated by Savo Gajic

(see video below transcript)



Škole razmišljanja u klasičnom liberalizmu - 5 dio: Prirodno pravo

Da li svi ljudi imaju prirodna prava? Filozofi Ayn Rand i Robert Nozick misle tako.  Dr. Nigel Ashford ispituje školu mišljenja "Prirodnog prava", posebno teorije Rand i Nozick. Nozick i Rand oboje tvrde da države ne bi trebalo da narušavaju naša prirodna prava i da država postoji samo da štiti ova prirodna prava. Oni takođe smatraju da je kapitalizam jedini moralni ekonomski sistem, jer se zasniva na dobrovoljnoj razmjeni, a ne prinudi. Izvor: Learn Liberty YouTube kanal.

Preveo: Savo Gajić


An Alternative Christmas Message From Edward Snowden

Alternative Christmas message from Edward Snowden. "We have sensors in our pockets that track us everywhere we go. Think about what this means for the privacy of the average person. A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They’ll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves an unrecorded, unanalysed thought. And that’s a problem because privacy matters, privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be. The conversation occurring today will determine the amount of trust we can place both in the technology that surrounds us and the government that regulates it." Source: LeakSourceNews YouTube channel.

Translated by Jadranko Brkic



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