Could floating nations enrich the poor? Humanitarian Michael Strong thinks they can. The Seasteading Institute fosters the work of aquapreneurs who seek to solve humanity's most dire emergencies by building floating nations on the sea.
Da li bi plutajuće zemlje mogle obogatiti siromašne? Humanitarac Michael Strong misli da mogu. Seasteading Institut podstiče rad vodo-preduzetnika koji žele da riješe najteže vanredne situacije čovječanstva izgradnjom plutajućih zemalja na moru.
Koju od ove dvije majice bi radije imao? Čestitke! Upravo si naučio da je vrijednost subjektivna i da ona ne zavisi od toga koliko novca košta da se proizvede proizvod ili usluga.
2014 Free Market Road Show tour started on March 26th in Bucharest and will finish on May 12th in Scandinavia. In capital cities of of countries of the Western Balkans region it will visit according to the schedule below:
Free Market Road Show za 2014 godinu startao je 26 marta u Bukureštu i završiće se 12 maja u Skandinaviji. U glavnim gradovima zemalja regiona gostovaće po sljedećim datumima:
Who is responsible for death of a neighbor who died as a result of his electricity being turned off due to no payment? Is it the electric company or someone else? Milton Friedman explains in this excerpt video clip from a 15-part lecture series delivered from 1977 to 1978 entitled "Milton Friedman Speaks." The lectures were originally intended to serve as the core content of what later became the Free to Choose television programs and subsequently the best selling book of the same title. Source: Sidewinder77 YouTube channel.
Ko je odgovoran za smrt komšije koji je umro od hladnoće zato što je njegova struja bila isključena zbog neplaćenih računa? Da li je za to kriva elektrodistribucija ili neko drugi? Milton Fridman objašnjava u ovom odlomku video snimka iz 15-dijelne serije predavanja snimane 1977 - 1978. pod nazivom "Milton Friedman Speaks." Predavanja su prvobitno bila namjenjena da posluže kao suština sadržaja onoga što je kasnije postalo televizijski program pod nazivom “Sloboda izbora” a potom i najprodavanija knjiga istog naslova. Izvor: Sidewinder77 YouTube kanal.
“Bosnia has been turned into kind of a EU in miniature, where democratic self determination is struck down, so as to preserve at all costs the ideal of a multinational state. Right down to the blue star with a flags on, and a paraphernalia and symbolism that they've downloaded from Brussels.” Source: DanHannanMEP YouTube channel.