David Friedman - Law Enforcement Without the State

David Friedman lectures about private ways of producing and enforcing law, without the involvement of the state. Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 21, 2014. Event information webpage here

Read more about David Friedman here and visit his blog here Full text of his book 'The Machinery of Freedom': http://www.daviddfriedman.com/The_Machinery_of_Freedom_.pdf


Socialist Dialogue Reveals Incomplete Truth

Recently I had a conversation with a socialist who feverishly promoted his ideals on universal pension.

"Why are you so ashamed of admitting that you are a communist?" I asked.

 "We are not communists. We are social democrats. Can't you tell the difference?"

"I am sorry. Let me be more precise with my terminology. You are an incomplete communist. Instead of asking for total abolition of private property, you want to appropriate only part of people's wealth."

"Is taxation communism?" MrSocialist was trying to legitimize himself.

"The law empowering the government to take money from the people is indeed called the `Appropriation Bill.' I want my taxes to be as low as possible and make as much as possible. If I want to do good I will do it my way."


Socijalistički dijalog razotkriva nepotpunu istinu

Nedavno sam imao razgovor sa socijalistom koji je grozničavo promovisao svoje ideale po pitanju sistema univerzalne mirovine.

"Zašto se toliko stidite priznati da ste komunista?" pitao sam. 

"Mi nismo komunisti. Mi smo socijalni demokrati. Zar ne razumijete razliku?"

"Izvinjavam se. Dozvolite mi da budem precizniji sa mojom terminologijom. Vi ste nepotpuni komunista. Umjesto traženja potpunog ukidanja privatne svojine, Vi želite da podijelite samo dio bogatstva od naroda."


Socialism Does Not Work

Daniel Hannan debating at the Oxford Union on why socialism doesn't work. "How is it freedom to not have your daily bread, to not be able to go to reasonable school, to not have any opportunities to develop yourself as a young person, or even as an adult who wants to work but has not been given any?" . . . "If you want those opportunities, if you want decent schools, if you want a rise in living standards, will you go to North Korea or South Korea? Would you look to socialism to provide it, or would you look at the free market?" Source: OxfordUnion YouTube channel.


Socijalizam ne funkcioniše

“Kako je to sloboda nemati svoj dnevni kruh, ne biti u mogućnosti pohađati dobru školu, nemati mogućnosti razvijati se kao mlad čovjek, ili čak kao odrasla osoba koja želi da radi, ali nije pružena nikakvu mogućnost?” . . . “Ako želite te mogućnosti, ako želite pristojne škole, ako želite rast u životnom standardu, hoćete li ići u Sjevernu Koreju ili u Južnu Koreju? Da li biste se oslonili na socijalizam da Vam to obezbijedi, ili biste razmotrili slobodno tržište?” Daniel Hannan debatira u podršku teze da socijalizam ne funkcioniše. Oxford Union Society, Novembar, 2013. Izvor: OxfordUnion YouTube kanal.


The Economy of Tito's Yugoslavia: Delaying the Inevitable Collapse

Predrag Rajsic, a Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Guelpl, Ontario, Canada, in a phone interview with Redmond Weissenberger, Executive Director of the Mises Institute of Canada, talking about economics of former Yugoslavia.  Related article on Predrag's Loose Ends in Economics blog: The Economy of Tito's Yugoslavia: Delaying the Inevitable

Video source: Predrag Rajsic YouTube channel.


Why Does 1% of History Have 99% of the Wealth?

For nearly all of human history, most people were very, very poor. But something happened after 1800. Average wages began to rise. For example, in the past 200 years, the average wage in the United States has gone from $3.00 per day to over $120.00 per day—and that’s adjusted for inflation. Why the sudden change? Prof. Deirdre McCloskey explains her theory. Source: Learn Liberty YouTube channel.


Zašto je 1% ljudske istorije proizvelo 99% bogatstva?

U skoro čitavoj ljudskoj istoriji, većina ljudi je bilo veoma, veoma siromašno. Ali nešto se desilo nakon 1800. Prosječne zarade su tada počele da rastu. Na primjer, u posljednjih 200 godina, prosječna zarada u Sjedinjenim Državama je porasla sa $3 dolara na dan na do preko $120 dolara na dan, i to je računajući prilagođeno za inflaciju. Otkud ta iznenadna promjena? Prof. Deirdre McCloskey objašnjava njenu teoriju. Izvor: Learn Liberty YouTube kanal.


Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world's trust — time to act

Recent events have highlighted, underlined and bolded the fact that the United States is performing blanket surveillance on any foreigner whose data passes through an American entity — whether they are suspected of wrongdoing or not. This means that, essentially, every international user of the internet is being watched, says Mikko Hypponen. An important rant, wrapped with a plea: to find alternative solutions to using American companies for the world's information needs.  Source: TED


Mikko Hypponen: Kako je NSA izdala povjerenje svijeta -- vrijeme za djelovanje

Nedavni događaji istaknuli su činjenicu da SAD provodi sveobuhvatno nadziranje svakog stranca čiji podaci prođu kroz Ameriku - bilo da ih se sumnjiči za krivična djela ili ne. To u suštini znači da se promatra svakog međunarodnog korisnika interneta, tvrdi Mikko Hypponen. Značajan, bombastičan govor uvijen u molbu: pronaći alternativna rješenja za korištenje američkih tvrtki kako bi se zadovoljile svjetske potrebe za informacijama.  Izvor: TED



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