The only thing socialism has ever done for poor people is give them lots of company

The only thing socialism has ever done for poor people is give them lots of company. - Lawrence W. Reed


Jedino što je socijalizam ikada uradio za siromašne je to da im je napravio mnogo društva

Jedino što je socijalizam ikada uradio za siromašne je to da im je napravio mnogo društva. - Lawrence W. Reed


ESFL leadership forum u Srbiji

Organizacija Evropski Studenti Za Slobodu u saradnji sa Libertarijanskim klubom - Libek raspisuju konkurs za sve zainteresovane studente i učenike završne godine srednjih škola u Srbiji za učešće u prvom ESFL leadership forumu u Srbiji.

Koji će se održati 07.02.2015. u prostorijama Libertarijanskog kluba - Libek. Za sve studente državnih ili privatnih univerziteta u Srbiji koji žele da postanu deo međunarodne mreže Studenata za slobodu. Ukoliko imate motivaciju da širite ideje liberalizma putem edukativnih programa, organizujete regionalne konferencije, javne debate i seminare, Evropski Studenti Za Slobodu su tu da vam pomognu u svakom koraku. Tražimo svesne i aktivne mlade građane sa liderskim potencijalom za širenje ideja slobodnog tržišta i individualnih sloboda u Srbiji.


Chinese Savings vs. American Spending

Author: Peter Wong


Kineska štednja nasuprot američke potrošnje

Autor: Peter Wong


The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword - James Corbett at TEDxGroningen

Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences into authors and editors. With pieces of technology small enough to fit the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.  Source: corbettreport youTube channel.

Big Government vs. Small Government

In the battle between government models, small government is winning. Hotnomics is hosted by Emerald Robinson. Source: CFPEcon101 YouTube channel.


Velika vlada nasuprot male vlade

U bitci između državnih modela vlasti, mala vlada pobjeđuje. Domaćin Hot-nomike (Hotnomics) je Emerald Robinson. Izvor: CFPEcon101 YouTube kanal.



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