David Boaz iz CATO instituta i John Stossel objašnjavaju kako se razni paraziti bogate manipulisanjem države i tako čine društvo siromašnijim. Izvor: LibertyPen YouTube kanal.
Video izdanje Peščanika, govore Saša Radulović i Miroslava Milenović iz Saveta za borbu protiv korupcije. Snimatelji Željko Bajić i Aleksandar Malinović, video montaža Petar Savić, produkcija Peščanik 2015. Izvor: Peščanik YouTube kanal.
Hong Kong's sole free market think tank, The Lion Rock Institute, trains and empowers a steady inflow of interns in defending the cause of liberty, right in the face of Hong Kong legislators. The video and transcript below is just one of the more recent examples of that. More speeches like this one can be viewed on the Lion Rock's YouTube channel.
“Postoje mnoga prava u demokraciji: pravo na slobodu govora, slobodu vjeroispovesti, slobodu okupljanja, itd., ali jedino pravo koje ne bi trebalo postojati u demokraciji je pravo ne biti uvrijeđen.” Flemming Rose is a Danish journalist, author and cultural editor at the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. He is author of the book "Tyranny of Silence." Izvor: catoinstitutevideo YouTube kanal.
“You have many rights in a democracy: the right to free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and so on and so forth but the only right you should not have in a democracy is a right not to be offended.” Flemming Rose is a Danish journalist, author and cultural editor at the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. He is author of the book "Tyranny of Silence." Source: catoinstitutevideo YouTube channel.
By the way, when I say cut taxes, I don't mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the Income Tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing. - Ron Paul
Uzgred, kada kažem da treba smanjiti poreze, ja ne mislim na pravljenje sitnih izmjena u zakonu. Već time mislim da treba ukinuti porez na dohodak, zatvoriti poreznu instituciju, i nadomjestiti ih sa ničim. - Ron Paul
“The responsibility for educating children is with their parents. And in order to make it a parental matter, you have to have a situation in which the parents a re free to choose the schools their children go to. They aren't now. Today, the schools pick the children. Children are assigned to schools by geography. By where they live. And essentially you've got a school picking its own children. As I said in 1955, take the amount of money that we are now spending on the education, divide it by the number of children, and give that amount of money to each parent.” Excerpts from an interview with Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn on May 22, 2006 in which Milton explains the dynamics involved when parents are empowered to select the best educational option for their children. Source: LibertyPen YouTube channel. Translated by Jadranko Brkic.