kolovoza 2015

Everything Has Its Price (And That's A Good Thing)

Prices ensure your demands are supplied - even in times of scarcity. But who decides prices? Manufacturers and stores play a role, of course. As Professor Don Boudreaux explains, though, the biggest decider in determining prices is you, the consumer. Prices reflect the value consumers think the products are worth. Whether it’s the price of a bottle of ketchup or a Hermes Birkin purse, the pricetag is the end result of a “global chain of cooperation.”

The economist Friedrich Hayek first discovered and articulated the importance of prices. You can learn more about him and his work at www.essentialhayek.org.


Sve ima svoju cijenu (i to je dobra stvar)

Cijene su garancija da ce vaše potrebe biti podmirene - čak i u vremenima oskudice. Ali, ko određuje cijene? Proizvođači i prodavnice u tome igraju ulogu, naravno. No, kako objašnjava profesor Don Boudreaux, najveći faktor u određivanju cijene ste vi, potrošači. Cijene odražavaju vrijednost koju potrošači misle da proizvodi vrijede. Bilo da se radi o cijeni boce kečapa ili Hermes torbice, cijena je krajnji rezultat "lančane saradnje na globalnoj razini."

Ekonomista Friedrich Hayek je prvi otkrio i objasnio važnost cijena. Više o njemu i njegovom radu možete naći na stranici www.essentialhayek.org.

Izvor: Learn Liberty YouTube kanal.


F.A. Hayek - The Importance of Private Property

Hayek was once asked “If you could leave a short statement to the future generations that would sum up everything that was meaningful and significant to Friedrich von Hayek, what would that statement be?” This was his answer. This video is a clip from the trailer of "The Hayek Prophecies" – an hour long film which is currently available at: http://www.thehayekprophecies.com Source: pipewerkz YouTube channel.


Friedrich Hayek o važnosti privatnog vlasništva

Hayek je jednom upitan: "Ako biste mogli da ostavite kratku izjavu za buduće generacije koja bi sumirala sve što je smisleno i značajno za Friedrich von Hayek-a, šta bi ta izjava bila?" Slijedeće je bio njegov odgovor. Ovaj video je snimak iz "The Hayek Prophecies" (Hayekova proročanstva) - jednosatnog filma koji je trenutno dostupan na: http://www.thehayekprophecies.com Izvor: pipewerkz YouTube kanal.


You should never be prosecuted for what you own

"You should never be prosecuted for what you own, for what you believe, for what you say, for what you smoke, for what you drink, for what you put in your body.  You should be prosecuted only for the physical harm you do to others." - Harry Browne


Nikada ne biste smjeli biti krivično gonjeni za ono što posjedujete

"Nikada ne biste smjeli biti krivično gonjeni za ono što posjedujete, za ono u što vjerujete, za ono što govorite, za ono što pušite, za ono što pijete, za ono što stavljate u vaše tijelo. Trebate biti krivično gonjeni samo za fizičku štetu koju činite drugima." - Harry Browne
