2014 Regionalna ESFL konferencija u Beogradu

Datum održavanja:
22. novembar, 2014.
Konferencija: 9 -19h
Druženje: 22h

Evropski Studenti za Slobodu, već treću godinu zaredom, organizuju u Beogradu najveću od 16 regionalnih konferencija koje se održavaju širom Evrope. Registrujte se i imaćete priliku da slušate poznate predavače iz svih delova sveta 22. novembra na PRAVNOM fakultetu!

Konferencija u Beogradu je u protekle dve godine postavila standarde kvaliteta u Evropi, postavši uzor u organizaciji mnogim drugim gradovima, i okupivši brojne ugledne govornike iz celog sveta. Glavni govornik - Matt Kibbe, deliće i potpisivati svoj New Yourk Times bestseler na samoj konferenciji.


Konferencija sloboda i reforme: panel - Reforme na dnevnom redu

Kompletan VIDEO snimak drugog panela "Reforme na dnevnom redu" na kojem su učestvovali Saša Radulović, Zoran Živković i Čedomir Jovanović dok je moderator bila novinarka Suzana Trninić.  Izvor: Libertarijanski Klub Libek YouTube kanal.


Nigel Farage želi Barroso-u srećan odlazak u mirovinu

Nigel Farage želi Barroso-u srećan odlazak u mirovinu. "Ali ja sam uživao u mnogo od onoga što ste rekli tokom godina. Zaista, posebno sam uživao dan nakon što je Irska, jedina zemlja koja je uistinu imala referendum o Lisabonskom ugovoru, kada su Irci izglasali NE Lisabonu, a Vi ste ustali i rekli: "Irci nisu zaista mislili NE", a ja j asam u tome posebno uživao. Takođe sam uživao kada ste rekli da je Evropska unija prva ne-imperijska imperija. Jer u tome ste pokazali toliko mnogo onoga što je ovaj projekat sada postao."


Review of the Barroso II Commission

Statement by the President of the Commission



Nigel Farage Wishes Barroso a Happy Retirement

Nigel Farage wishes Barroso a happy retirement. “But I’ve enjoyed much of what you said over the years. Indeed, I particularly enjoyed you the day after the Irish, the only country indeed that had a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, when the Irish voted no to Lisbon, and you stood up and said: “The Irish didn't really mean no”, and I particularly enjoyed that. I also enjoyed you saying that the European Union was the first ever non-imperial empire. Because in that you showed so much of what this project has now become.”


Review of the Barroso II Commission

Statement by the President of the Commission



Hong Kong Protesti: Sudar titana i sporedna borba za istinsku demokraciju

Protestovanje u cilju ostvarenja demokratskog prava izabiranja vlastitih diktatora bez spoljašnjeg uplitanja je cilj vrijedan divljenja.  Upravo to je ono radi čega se demonstranti u Hong Kongu ovih dana okupljaju na ulicama. Oni žele slobodu da demokratski biraju predsjednika Izvršne vlade, bez da izborni kandidati moraju imati prethodnu saglasnost Pekinga.


Hong Kong Protests: Clash of Titans and a Sidetrack Struggle for True Democracy

It is an admirable cause to want to protest in fight for being allowed to choose your own representative dictator without outside interference.  It is exactly what Hong Kong protesters have been gathering in streets for.  They want freedom to elect their Chief Executive, without Beijing's prior approval of the candidates.


Video snimci 2014 regionalne ESFL Konferencije u Sarajevu

Video snimci sa 2014. regionalne konferencije European Students for Liberty u Sarajevu.

Cijela YouTube play lista sa klipovima ovdje


2014 ESFL Regional Conference in Sarajevo - Videos

Videos from the 2014 European Students for Liberty regional conference in Sarajevo.

Watch the entire YouTube Playlist here


Regionalna ESFL konferencija u Sarajevu - reportaža Televizije Sarajevo

Prva ESFL konferencija odrzana u septembru 2014 na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Sarajevu.  Reportažu napravila Televizija Sarajevo. Izvor: Televizija Sarajevo YouTube kanal.


Ron Paul on Anarchy

“That the socialists know their system is going to fail, so they have to use the force of the government gun to take money from the people who aren't socialists in order to subsidize their programs. Libertarianism gives full legal protection of anybody who wants to have voluntary socialism. But socialists never will endorse the idea of you having your personal liberty where you can take care of yourself and not ask for nothing from anybody else.” These are two excerpts from a 3-hour long “In Depth with Ron Paul” C-SPAN program, where a former Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) answered viewer questions about anarchy. Watch the full 3-hour In Depth with Ron Paul C-SPAN program about Dr. Paul's life and career here. The show ran on August 3, 2014. Source 1: Nate Kelly YouTube channel. Source 2: TheAnarchast YouTube channel. Translated by Jadranko Brkic.



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