Libertarian Minute 2 – Why we are not free?

A wise man once said that “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” To demonstrate that this false conviction applies even today in 21st century, it is enough to consider the fact that we look at freedom superficially through freedom of movement. However, freedom is much more than that.


Ayn Rand – Ti nemaš odgovornost da živiš za dobrobit drugih!

“Jedina briga koju ljudi trebaju imati prema drugima je poštivanje njihovih prava. Čovjek nikada ne bi trebao očekivati od drugog čovjeka da se žrtvuje za njega, niti bi on trebao da se žrtvuje za druge.” Ayn Rand – isječak iz intervjua u TV programu “Day and Night”, voditelj James Day, 1974. Izvor: Atlas Society YouTube kanal.


Najveće mogućnosti za uspjeh pojedinca su tamo gdje postoji slobodan izbor

Gdje običan čovjek ima najveće mogućnosti za uspeh? Tamo gdje je slobodan da donosi sopstvene odluke i gdje može najefikasnije da koristi svoje resurse. Pogledajte primjer u ovom klipu iz dokumantarne serije "Sloboda izbora 1990, Epizoda 5 – Stvoreni jednaki.” Izvor: Free To Choose YouTube kanal.


Dropping School Doesn't Mean Dropping Education - John Taylor Gatto

“Dropping school does not mean dropping education. That's the real lesson.”


Napuštanje škole ne znači odustajanje od obrazovanja - John Taylor Gatto

“Napuštanje škole ne znači odustajanje od obrazovanja. To je prava lekcija.”


Libertarian minute 1 - What Does it Mean to be a Libertarian?

Libertarianism: a collection of political philosophies which advocate the maximization of individual liberty as its central principle. What this means in practical sense could best be illustrated by taking a look at beliefs and actions that characterize the libertarians. So here are libertarians to explain it in their own words.


Libertarijanska Minuta 1 - Šta znači biti libertarijanac?

Libertarijanizam: kolekcija političkih filozofija koje se zalažu za maksimizaciju individualne slobode kao svog centralnog principa. Šta to znači u praktičnom smislu, najlakše možemo spoznati osvrtom na životna uvjerenja i ponašanje koji odlikuju libertarijance. Evo kako to upravo oni sami objašnjavaju.


The Immigration Issue in Libertarianism

By Per Bylund - September 18, 2018

Over a decade ago, I wrote an article published at on the libertarian immigration conundrum. The “conundrum” was the seemingly unbridgeable differences between, if not contradictory views of, the two libertarian answers to the immigration question. The point of the article was to show that these answers are more compatible than most libertarians tend to think; both, in fact, espouse the non-aggression principle, but they emphasize different aspects of it.

Since then, however, the debate has become more polarized and it has more or less caused a rift within the libertarian movement.



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