Liberty is foundational to human life. Right from the get-go, we have the freedom to think whatever we want. We can think things that are happy or sad, exciting or boring, true or untrue. We're each the king of our very own private kingdom of thought.
We uniquely interpret the world to ourselves. Go to a sporting event and when the game is over, you'll find some people jumping with joy, while others are in tears.
It's the same event.
It's just interpreted differently by each free thinking individual.
Sloboda je osnova ljudskog života. Od samog početka, imamo slobodu da mislimo šta god želimo. Možemo razmišljati o stvarima koje su vesele ili tužne, uzbudljive ili dosadne, istinite ili neistinite. Svako od nas je kralj svog privatnog kraljevstva razmišljanja.
Jedinstveno tumačimo svijet sami za sebe. Otiđite na sportski događaj i kada se utakmica završi, zateći ćete neke ljude kako skaču od radosti, dok su drugi u suzama.
During the unfortunate times when collectivist ideas dominate, it means that, for most people, their unique individuality has been drilled out of their belief and value system.
For those who lust after power, job number one is to strip the people that you want to rule over of their belief in themselves. One cannot rule over a people that recognize and guard their natural individuality.
Tokom nesretnih vremena kada dominiraju kolektivističke ideje, jedinstvena individualnost je kod većine ljudi isprana od njihovih uvjerenja i sistema vrijednosti.
Za one koji žude za moći, zadatak broj jedan je oduzimanje uvjerenja u sebe ljudima kojima žele da vladaju. Ne može se vladati nad ljudima koji prepoznaju i čuvaju svoju prirodnu individualnost.
Let's say you want to be an authoritarian. You want to rule over other human beings by force (or the threat of force) if they don't obey your commands.
Zamislite na trenutak da želite da budete autoritarac. Želite silom da vladate drugim ljudskim bićima (ili pod prijetnjom sile) ako oni ne slušaju vaše komande.
Whenever you see a big government, or worse, a big government that sets out to be an empire, you know that people have messed up -- BIG TIME! The wrong road has been taken.
Kad god vidite veliku vladu, ili još gore, veliki vladu koja se ponaša kao imperija, vi znate da su ljudi zabrljali - Veoma mnogo! Da se otišlo pogrešnim putom.