listopada 2021

Lessons from a couple of social psychological experiments

The Milgram Experiment was a shock experiment by Stanley Milgram in the early 60's that tested people's willingness to shock others if instructed by an authority figure. Conclusion: 65%% of the participants would kill someone if an authority figure told them to.


The Asch Experiments were a series of experiments by Solomon Asch in the 50's that tested the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform. Conclusion: People were willing to ignore reality in order to conform to the group.


Lekcije iz par socijalno psiholoških eksperimenata

Milgramov eksperiment bio je elektro šok eksperiment Stanleya Milgrama ranih 60-ih godina, koji je testirao spremnost ljudi da šokiraju druge ako im to naloži autoritet. Zaključak: 65 % učesnika bi ubilo nekoga ako im to kaže autoritet.


Asch eksperimenti bili su serija eksperimenata Solomona Ascha 50-ih godina, koji su testirali stepen do kojeg društveni pritisak od strane većinske grupe može uticati na osobu da se povinuje. Zaključak: Ljudi su bili spremni ignorisati stvarnost kako bi se povinovali grupi.


Why more libertarians don't run for office?

The following answer by Peter Schiff to question why not run for President, demonstrates conflicting nature of politics and freedom, difficulties libertarians face in participating in political elections, and the value of libertarian political activism in freedom education.


From Peter Schiff's recent Instagram Live Q&A: "Why not Peter for President?"

A lot of people ask me if or when I’m going to run for public office.


Zašto libertarijanci slabo ulaze u politiku?

Slijedeći odgovor Peter Schiff-a na pitanje zašto se ne bi kandidovao za Predsjednika SAD, pokazuje oprečnu prirodu politike sa filozofijom slobode, kao i teškoće sa kojima se libertarijanci suočavaju pri učešću na političkim izborima, te upućuje na vrijednost političke aktivnosti u slobodarskoj edukaciji.



"The Great Reset" Is the Road to Socialism Mises Warned Us About

Author: Tho Bishop


Through the sheer power of his intellectual output, Ludwig von Mises established himself as one of the most important intellectuals of the twentieth century. His work Human Action remains a foundational text of the Austrian school. His critique outlining the impracticality of socialism was vindicated with the fall of the Soviet Union and remains without a serious intellectual challenge today.



"Veliki reset" je put u socijalizam o kojem je Mises upozoravao

Autor: Tho Bishop


Čistom snagom svog intelektualnog rada, Ludwig von Mises se etablirao kao jedan od najvažnijih intelektualaca dvadesetog vijeka. Njegovo djelo 'Ljudska akcija' ostaje temeljni tekst Austrijske škole ekonomije. Njegova kritika koja ocrtava nepraktičnost socijalizma potvrđena je padom Sovjetskog Saveza i danas stoji bez ozbiljnog intelektualnog izazova.

