December 2013

An Alternative Christmas Message From Edward Snowden

Alternative Christmas message from Edward Snowden. "We have sensors in our pockets that track us everywhere we go. Think about what this means for the privacy of the average person. A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They’ll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves an unrecorded, unanalysed thought. And that’s a problem because privacy matters, privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be. The conversation occurring today will determine the amount of trust we can place both in the technology that surrounds us and the government that regulates it." Source: LeakSourceNews YouTube channel.

Translated by Jadranko Brkic


Edward Snowden: alternativna božićna poruka 2013

Alternativna božićna poruka od Edward-a Snowden-a. "Mi imamo senzore u našim džepovima koji nas prate gdje god idemo. Razmislite o tome šta to znači za privatnost prosječne osobe. Dijete rođeno danas će odrasti bez ikakve koncepcije privatnosti. Oni nikada neće znati šta znači imati privatni trenutak za sebe, nesnimljenu, neanaliziranu misao. I to je problem, jer privatnost je bitna. Privatnost je ono što nam omogućava da spoznamo ko smo i ko želimo da budemo. Rasprave koje se o tome vode danas će odrediti količinu povjerenja koje možemo povjeriti u tehnologiju koja nas okružuje kao i u vlast koja je reguliše." Izvor: LeakSourceNews YouTube kanal.

Preveo: Jadranko Brkić


Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism, part 4: The Austrian School

What is the "Austrian School" of economics? When people refer to the Austrians, they are usually referring to the ideas of Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises. In this video, Professor Nigel Ashford outlines the basic beliefs of these two prominent economists. While the two agree that government should be limited, they also disagree on many points. Source: Learn Liberty YouTube channel.

Translated by: Matija Magerl (Iustitia)


Škole razmišljanja u klasičnom liberalizmu – 4 dio: Austrijska škola

Šta je to "Austrijska škola" ekonomije? Kada ljudi govore o Austrijancima, oni se obično odnose na ideje Friedrich Hajek-a i Ludwig von Mises-a. U ovom videu, profesor Nigel Ashford sumira osnovna vjerovanja ovih istaknutih ekonomista. Dok se obojica slažu da država treba da bude ograničena, oni se takođe ne slažu po mnogim tačkama. Izvor: Learn Liberty YouTube kanal.

Preveo: Matija Magerl (Iustitia)


Nedovršeni posao nakon pada berlinskog zida - Adriatic Institut & Heritage fondacija

Ulazimo u finalnu fazu uspostave vladavine prava u Hrvatskoj i na Balkanu! Da li EU ima snagu i lidere koji mogu otpetljati gordijski čvor političke korupcije i organiziranog kriminala u Hrvatskoj i na Balkanu? S obzirom na dosadašnju uspješnu ulogu Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u obračunu s korupcijom, pranjem novca i organiziranim kriminalom, vjerujem da će američki lideri imati vodeću ulogu u uspostavi vladavine... prava, nezavisnog pravosuđa i zaštitu vlasničkih prava u Hrvatskoj i na Balkanu.


The Unfinished Work of the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Advancing the Rule of Law

At The Heritage Foundation on December 13, 2013: Panelists focus on Eastern Europe - specifically Croatia and the Balkan region.

Hosted by The Heritage Foundation's Vice President Becky Norton Dunlop, former Director of the White House in President Ronald Reagan's Administration and former Justice Department senior official, the panelists present principled solution in addressing the unfinished work of the fall of the Berlin Wall in post-communist Eastern Europe.


Škole razmišljanja u klasičnom liberalizmu - 3 dio: Javni izbor

Država raste li raste. Zašto? Da li postoji način da se ograniči vlast? Dr. Ashford istražuje intelektualnu školu poznatu kao "javni izbor". Teoretičari javnog izbora vjeruju da su političari samo-zainteresovani, što znači da oni imaju interes u porastu države izvan njene pravilne, ograničene veličine. To znači da su male, koncentrisane grupe (kao što su udruženja industrije lobiranja) dobile ogromnu moć nad politikom. Ovo dovodi do subvencija i poreskih olakšica za politički favorizovane industrije na uštrb drugih. Izvor: Learn Liberty YouTube kanal.

Preveo: Savo Gajić


Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism, Part 3: Public Choice

Government grows and grows. Why? Is there any way to limit government? Dr. Ashford explores the intellectual school known as "public choice." Public choice theorists believe that politicians are self-interested, meaning they have a vested interest in growing government beyond its proper, limited size. This means that small, concentrated groups (like industry lobbying associations) yield tremendous power over the politics. This leads to subsidies and tax breaks for politically favored industries.

Source link: Learn Liberty YouTube channel.

Translated by Savo Gajic

(see video below transcript)


If we can't all be rich, let's be equally poor.

Socialism - if we can't all be rich, let's be equally poor.  Except for our rulers, they still get to be rich.


Ako ne možemo biti svi bogati, budimo svi jednako siromašni

Socijalizam - ako ne možemo biti svi bogati, budimo svi jednako siromašni.  Osim naših vladara, naravno, oni će i dalje biti bogati.

