Pobjeda Farmaceutske Industrije: Ljekovito Bilje u EU će Nestati
Primarne oznake
To je skoro gotova stvar. Biljni preparati će uskoro nestati, zajedno sa mogućnostima travara da ih propišu.
by Heidi Stevenson
12 September 2010
Velika farmaceutska industrija je skoro dovršila dugogodišnju bitku da izbriše konkurenciju. Počevši sa 1 Aprilom 2011—za manje od 8 mjeseci—praktično sve trave sa medicinskim svojstvima će postati ilegalne u Evropskoj Uniji. Pristup farmaceutske industrije u Sjedinjenim Državama je nešto drugačiji, ali ima isti devastirajući efekat. Ljudi su postali ništa drugo osim deponija za sve bućkuriše što ih velika farmaceutska industija i Agrobiznis namjerava slati u našem smjeru, i mi nemamo opcija nego da platimo svaku cijenu koju oni odrede.
Velika farmaceutska industrija i Agrobiznis su skoro kompletirali njihov marš da preuzmu svaki aspekt zdravlja, od hrane koju jedemo pa sve do načina na koji o sebi brinemo kada smo bolesni. Nemojmo sumnjati: ovo preuzimanje će ukrasti i ono malo zdravlja što preostaje u nama.
Počinje na Dan PrvoAprilskih Šala
U najprljavijoj PrvoAprilskoj šali svih vremena, Evropska Direktiva o Tradicionalnim Biljnim Lijekovima (THMPD) je donesena 31 Marta 2004. (1) Postavila je pravila i regulacije za korištenje biljnjih proizvoda kojima se prije slobodno trgovalo.
Ova direktiva zahtijeva da se svi biljni preparati moraju staviti kroz istu vrstu procedure kao i lijekovi. Pri tome nema veze da li je biljka u opštoj upotrebi već hiljadama godina. Troškovi za ovo su mnogo veći od od onih koje većina proizvođača može da podnese, osim Velikih Farmacija naravno, sa procjenama u rasponu od £ 80.000 do 120.000 £ po biljki, a sa svakom od biljnih jedinjenja koja se moraju tretirati odvojeno.
Nije važno da li se biljka se koristi bezbjedno i efikasno već nekoliko hiljada godina. Ona će se tretirati kao da je droga. Naravno, biljke su daleko od toga. One su proizvodi od biološkog izvora. One nisu nužno pročišćene, jer to može da promjeni njihovu prirodu i efikasnost, baš kao što to može u hrani. To je iskrivljavanje njihove prirode i karaktera travarstva da se tretiraju kao lekovi. To, naravno, ne pravi razliku za zdanje Velikih vladajućih-Farmacija u EU, koje su ugradile korporativizam u njenom ustavu.
(potreban volonter za prevod ostatka teksta)
Dr. Robert Verkerk of the Alliance for Natural Health, International (ANH) describes the problem of requiring drug-like compliance on herbal preparations:
Getting a classical herbal medicine from a non-European traditional medicinal culture through the EU registration scheme is akin to putting a square peg into a round hole. The regulatory regime ignores and thus has not been adapted to the specific traditions. Such adaptation is required urgently if the directive is not to discriminate against non-European cultures and consequently violate human rights.(2)
Trade Law
To best understand how this can be happening, one needs to see that trade laws have been at the center of the moves to place all aspects of food and medicine under the control of Big Pharma and Agribusiness.
If you've followed what's been happening in the United States regarding raw milk and the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) claims that foods magically become drugs when health claims are made, you may have noted that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been part of the process.
Rather than treating food and traditional medicines as human rights issues, they have been treated as trade issues. That makes the desires of large corporations the focus of food and herbal law, rather than the needs and desires of people. It's this twisting that has resulted in the FDA's making outrageously absurd statements, such as claiming that Cheerios and walnuts quite literally become drugs simply because of health claims made for them.
The goal of it all is to make the world safe for the megacorporations to trade freely. The needs and health of the people simply are not a factor in their considerations.
How to Fight This Encroachment on Our Health and Welfare
It's not a done-deal, at least, not quite. If you value your access to herbs, or if you care about access to vitamins and other supplements, please take action. Even if these issues seem meaningless to you, consider the people who do care. Should they be denied the right to the medical treatment and health maintenance of their choice?
The ANH has been active in fighting these encroachments. They are currently going to court in an attempt to stop the implementation of THMPD. We can hope that they'll succeed, but recent history shows that no legal maneuver is likely to stop this juggernaut. We cannot afford to sit back and wait for the results of their efforts. We need to see their endeavor as part of a whole, one in which each of us plays a role.
It's up to us—each and every one of us—to take action. If you live in Europe, please, send a letter or message to your Member of European Parliament. Go to this page to find out who is your MEP and the contact information. Then, send a letter that states, in no uncertain terms, that you strongly support the ANH's actions in trying to suspend the implementation of THMPD and that you hope they will also take a stand in support of the people's right to choose herbal treatments.
If you find it difficult to write such a letter, click here for a sample (in the universal .rtf format) suggested by ANH. Feel free to use it.
Denice Delay has kindly translated the letter into Spanish. Thanks!
Try to imagine facing your children or grandchildren when they ask why you didn't. How will you tell them that you really weren't that interested in their welfare? How will you tell them that it was more important to watch the latest fake reality show on television than to take the time to write a simple letter?
It is only by actively protesting that this travesty against our welfare can be stopped. If we sit back in apathy, then it will happen. Our right to protect our health and that of our children is hanging in the balance. If you care for your child's or grandchild's welfare, then you must act. Speak out, for now is the moment of truth. You can sit back and do nothing, or you can speak out.
And then, once you have, talk to everyone you know. Tell them that it's time to act. There truly is no time to waste.
(1)Directive 2004/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 (PDF)
Preuzeto sa: http://www.gaia-health.com/articles301/000301-big-pharma-scores-big-win-medicinal-herbs-disappear-eu.shtml
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