Shvati to kao da je porez

Shvati to kao da je porez.


Game of Food Trucks: Chicago's Mobile Vendors in an Epic Food Fight

Should the city of Chicago be in the business of protecting restaurants from food trucks? See the story of how innovative entrepreneurs fight for their right to sell food in mobile trucks and compete with the brick-and-mortar eateries, whose owners don't want the competition.

video source from InstituteFor Justice YouTube channel


Herojska borba za opstanak mobilnih prodavača hrane

Da li grad Čikago treba štititi restorane od mobilnih operatera na točkovima? Pogledajte priču o tome kako se inovativni preduzetnici bore za svoje pravo da prodaju hranu u mobilnim kamionima i tako se natječu sa tradicionalnim nepokretnim restoranima, čiji vlasnici ne žele konkurenciju.

video izvor InstituteFor Justice YouTube kanal


Unsustainable Pension: A Story of Economics and Morality of Public Pension Systems

Lecture: "Unsustainable pension - A Story of Economics and Morality of Public Pension Systems" at European Students for Liberty Regional Conference in Belgrade on 3rd of November 2012.


Entitlements are not Rights

Entitlements are not rights.  People are not born with a claim on the property of others.  Do you disagree?  Tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you and why?


Zakonske privilegije nisu prava

Zakonske privilegije nisu prava.  Ljudi nisu rođeni sa pravom na svojinu drugih.  Da li se ne slažeš?  Reci mi koliko od onoga što ja zarađujem pripada tebi, i zašto?


George Orwell on Political Language

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable." - George Orwell


George Orwell o političkom jeziku

"Politički jezik je dizajniran tako da laž zvuči istinito a ubistvo vrijednim poštovanja." - George Orwell


John J. Cowperthwaite: positive non-interventionism

"In the long run, the aggregate of the decisions of individual businessmen, exercising individual judgment in a free economy, even if often mistaken, is likely to do less harm than the centralized decisions of a Government; and certainly the harm is likely to be counteracted faster."

Sir John James Cowperthwaite, Hong Kong Financial Secretary from 1961 to 1971.


John J. Cowperthwaite: pozitivni neintervencionizam

Dugoročno gledano, sveukupan broj odluka pojedinačnih privrednika, donošenjem vlastitih prosuđivanja u slobodnoj ekonomiji, čak i ako bi često bili u zabludi, je vjerovatno manje štetno nego centralizovano odlučivanje Vlade, a zasigurno je vjerovatno da će tako i šteta biti brže neutralisana.

Sir John James Cowperthwaite, Financijski Sekretar Hong Konga od 1961 do 1971.



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