“It's not that the European Union attracts bad people, of course it attracts some bad people like everyone else, it's that there is such a distance between people and decision makers. There is such a tenuous link between taxation, representation, and expenditure that the system encourages at best negligent spending and at worst straightforward graft. Solution, of course, is to push powers downwards and outwards to national and local authorities, or better yet, to individual citizens.” Daniel Hannan, European Parliament, Strasbourg, November 17th, 2016. Source: DanHannan YouTube channel.
“Nije da Evropska unija privlači loše ljude, naravno da privlači neke loše ljude kao i svi ostali, ali da postoji takva distanca između ljudi i donosioca odluka. Postoji takva slaba veza između oporezivanja, predstavljanja, i potrošnje tako da sistem u najboljem slučaju podstiče nemarnu potrošnju a u najgorem slučaju direktnu korupciju. Rješenje, naravno, je da guramo ovlašćenja nadole i van na nacionalne i lokalne vlasti, ili još bolje, na pojedinačne građane.” Daniel Hannan, Evropskiparlament, Strazburg, 17. novembar, 2016.
Ovaj video namijenjen je svima nama, a posebno onima koji misle da je jugoslovenska ekonomija za vrijeme Tita bila izgrađena na stabilnim temeljima. Ako pogledamo i analiziramo ekonomske pokazatelje, moramo priznati da je ideja o robusnosti jugoslovenske ekonomije bila iluzija i da je “blagostanje” o kojem mnogi jugonostalgičari danas govore bilo pozajmljeno na račun budućih generacija.
“You know you could have a great employment in the city of Logan, Utah, of people growing bananas in hot houses. If we had a high enough tariff on the import of bananas, it could become profitable to build hot houses and grow bananas in hot houses. That would give employment. Would that be a sensible thing to do? If that isn’t sensible than neither is it sensible to artificially restrict the import of steel.” This video clip is an excerpt from Milton Friedman’s lecture to the University of Utah in 1978.
“Na primjer, mogli biste imati veliki stepen zaposlenosti u gradu Logan u državi Utah, gdje bi ljudi uzgajali banane u toplim staklenicima. Ako bi imali dovoljno visoku tarifu na uvoz banana, onda bi moglo da postane profitabilno za izgradnju zagrijavanih staklenika i uzgoj banana u toplim staklenicima. To bi proizvelo radna mjesta. Da li je to razumna stvar? Ako to nije razumno, onda nije razumno ni vještački ograničiti uvoz čelika.” Ovaj video klip je isječak iz predavanja MiltonaFriedmana naUniverzitetu Utah. 1978.
“Democracy is so to speak the guarantee that only bad people will rise to the top. And the more so the larger the country is.” Hans-Hermann Hoppe discussing why the worst rise to the top. This is an excerpt from: "The Errors of Classical Liberalism."
“Demokratija je takorekući garancija da će samo loši ljudi isplivati na vrh. I utoliko više što je zemlja veća.” Hans-Hermann Hoppe objašnjava zašto u demokratiji najgori isplivaju na vrh. Isječak iz lekcije: "Greške klasičnog liberalizma."
We live in an era of global neoliberalism, and the world it has created is pure horror - imperial wars, religious extremism, terrible social differences, poverty, exploitation, destruction of ecosystem and the dehumanization of man - these are just some of the anomalies that characterize this era.
Largely overlooked by the media in light of Trump’s leaked Access Hollywood video and Sunday’s presidential debate has been the volumes of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta released by Wikileaks. One revelation that has gained some traction are some of the remarks Secretary Clinton made while speaking to Wall Street bankers, in which she takes a very different position on trade agreements than what she has taken during her campaign. One email notes a speech where she says: