Ron Paul on Inconsistency of Conservatives in Defending Personal Liberty

What you are implying is: “you know what, if we legalize heroin tomorrow, everyone's gonna use heroin.” How many people here would use heroin if it were legal? I bet nobody! "Oh yeah, I need the government to take care of me. I don't want to use heroin, so I need these laws!"


Libertarijanci brane individualnu slobodu ponašanja u svim sferama života

Ono što Vi implicirate je: "Znate šta, ako sutra legalizujemo heroin, svi će konzumirati heroin." Koliko ljudi ovdje bi konzumiralo heroin ako bi to bilo legalno? Kladim se da niko! “O, da, potrebno mi je da se država brine o meni. Ja ne želim da konzumiram heroin, i zato su nam potrebni svi ti zakoni!”


Ayn Rand on Changing Culture in the Direction of Reason and Intellect

In this short clip from a longer interview, Ayn Rand describes the type of individual who can move modern culture in the direction of reason and the intellect. See the whole interview here. Source: Ayn Rand Institute YouTube channel.


Ayn Rand o mijenjanju savremene kulture u pravcu razuma i intelekta

U ovom kratkom isječku iz dužeg intervjua, Ayn Rand opisuje vrstu pojedinca koji može da promijeni savremenu kulture u pravcu razuma i intelekta. Cijeli intervju je dostupan ovdje. Izvor: Ayn Rand Institute YouTube kanal.


2018 LibertyCon u Beogradu

LibertyCon je veliko Evropsko okupljanje studenata otvorenog uma. Nakon gradova Leuven, Berlin i Prag, naša sedma po redu evropska
konferencija stiže u Beograd, 13-15 april, 2018. Posljednje okupljanje koje je održano u martu u Univerzitetu Charles u Pragu, privuklo
je 800 studenata iz 50 zemalja.


Sa Facebook stranice eventa:


2018 LibertyCon in Belgrade

LibertyCon is the major European gathering of open-minded students. After Leuven, Berlin and Prague, our seventh continent-wide conference is now moving to Belgrade, April 13-15 2018. The previous one, held last March at Charles University in Prague, attracted 800 students from 50 countries.


School of Objectivism "Who is John Galt?" in Sarajevo

Balkanski objektivisticki centar (BOC) is now accepting applications for School of Objectivism in Sarajevo.

This project is being realized in cooperation with Ayn Rand Institute.

Applications accepted until April 6th, 2018.

For more information please contact the team on the Facebook page of the BOC center.

Link to the online application form here



Škola objektivizma "Ko je John Galt?" u Sarajevu

Balkanski objektivisticki centar (BOC) prima prijave za Školu objektivizma u Sarajevu.  Projekat je u saradnji sa Ayn Rand institutom

Prijave traju do 6. aprila 2018.

Za više informacija obratite se ekipi na Facebook stranici centra.

Link prijavnog formulara ovdje


Irresident Interview About Blockchain Technology for Coatian Nova TV

Owners of the Croatian blockchain company Irresident interviewed by Nova TV, following their lecture titled "Reconciling the Irreconcilable: Public Blockchain & Old School Finance", at “Enter the Blockchain” conference at the at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

The lecture was attended by key people of the Croatian blockchain scene, distinguished professors of economics, members of the boards of leading Croatian banks, entrepreneurs, attorneys, and members of the Croatian Central Bank working group responsible for proposing blockchain asset regulation in Republic of Croatia.


Irresident intervju o Blockchain tehnologiji za Novu TV

Vlasnici hrvatske blockchain kompanije Irresident u intervjuu za Novu TV, nakon njihovog predavanja pod nazivom "Pomirenje nepomirljivog: javni blockchain i stara škola financija", na "Enter the Blockchain" konferenciji na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, Hrvatska.

Predavanju su prisustvovali ključni ljudi hrvatske blockchain scene, istaknuti profesori ekonomije, članovi odbora vodećih hrvatskih banaka, preduzetnici, advokati i članovi radne grupe Hrvatske centralne banke odgovorne za predlaganje blockchain regulacije u Republici Hrvatskoj.



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