On today's day (31. July 1912) 103 years ago was born one of the most distinguished economists of the 20th century, winner of Nobel Prize for Economics, and a great libertarian thinker Milton Friedman.
Friedman's ability to explain difficult hard economic problems, so that little children could understand them, is the main reason why Freedom and Prosperity TV has very often translated his works and shared it with the public in countries of Western Balkans. Thanks to those sustained efforts our multimedia library now has tens of video clips and quotes containing Milton Friedman's work, which is just a small sample from his enormous body of work, which we will continue to collect, organize, and disseminate in public.
Na današnji dan 31. jula 1912, prije tačno 103 godine rođen je jedan od najistaknutijih ekonomista 20. vijeka, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za ekonomiju, i veliki libertarijanski mislilac Milton Friedman.
"Learn everything you can about a free society. Read the greats, like Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, and Murray Rothbard. As you delve into the literature of liberty, share what you're reading and learning. Start a blog. Create a YouTube channel. Organize a reading group. But whatever you do, learn, spread what you are learning, and never stop." Lew Rockwell
"Učite sve što možete o slobodnom društvu. Čitajte velikane, kao što su Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, i Murray Rothbard. Kako se budete udubili u literaturu slobode, dijelite ono što pročitate i naučite. Pokrenite blog. Otvorite YouTube kanal. Organizujte klubove čitalaca. Ali šta god da uradite, učite, širite ono što naučite, i u tome nikad ne prestajite." Lew Rockwell
"I like the libertarian view, which is to leave everyone alone. Even as a kid, I was annoyed by people who wanted to tell everyone how to live." - Clint Eastwood
Meni se sviđa libertarijanski pristup, a to je da se svi ljudi ostave na miru. Čak i kada sam bio dijete nervirali su me ljudi koji su htjeli da govore svima kako da žive" - Clint Eastwood