Walter Williams o oporezivanju

"Bez obzira na to koliko je dostojan neki cilj, to je pljačka, krađa, i nepravda konfiskovati imovinu jedne osobe i dati je drugome kome ona ne pripada." - Walter Williams


Walter Williams on Taxation

"No matter how worthy the cause, it is robbery, theft, and injustice to confiscate the property of one person and give it to another to whom it does not belong." - Walter Williams


Margaret Thatcher o problemu sa Socijalizmom

"Problem sa socijalizmom je taj što na kraju uvijek ponestane novca drugih ljudi." - Margaret Thatcher


Margaret Thatcher on Problem With Socialism

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." - Margaret Thatcher


Milton Friedman: Government's Drive for Power

Milton Friedman explains the dynamics of government, power and the free market. The video is a series of excerpts from C-Span's book discussion on The Road to Serfdom with Milton Friedman, October 28th, 1994. The entire interview can be viewed on C-Span here.

Video source: LibertyPen YouTube kanal


Milton Friedman: Posezanje države za vlašću

Milton Fridman objašnjava dinamiku vlasti, političke moći, i slobodnog tržišta. Video su odlomci iz C-SPAN-razgovora sa Miltonom Friedmanom o knjizi Put u ropstvo, 28. oktobra, 1994. Cijeli intervju možete pogledati na C-Span-u ovdje.

Video izvor: LibertyPen YouTube kanal


Ron Paul o značenju slobode

"Zapamtimo: sloboda ima značenje ako i dalje u nju vjerujemo kada se dese strašne stvari i više bezbjednosti je traženo od države.  Vlast nas sa naredbom o sigurnosti ne može učiniti ništa više bezbjednima nego što nas dekretom o ukidanju siromaštva može učiniti prosperitetnima." - Ron Paul


Ron Paul on Meaning of Liberty

"Remember: liberty only has meaning if we still believe in it when terrible things happen and more government security is demanded. Government cannot make us safe by mandating security any more than it can make us prosperous by decreeing an end to poverty." - Ron Paul


EU should stop funding Croatia's corrupt networks

By Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy
Originally published at euobserver

Global Financial Integrity (GFI), a Washington-based organisation, in December released a study stating that crime, corruption and tax evasion cost Croatia an astounding $15.2 billion (€11.3bn) from 2001 to 2010.

During the same period, Croatia received €1.5 billion in assistance from EU taxpayers and is scheduled to receive an additional €10 billion in EU funds during 2014-2020.

EU taxpayers should stop all financial aid to Croatia until illicit enrichment amassed by its corrupt politicians and their partners in crime are confiscated including the $15.2 billion of illicit financial outflows.


Daniel Hannan: EU Stimulating Growth With Private Jets

Daniel Hannan, member of the European Parliament, talks about EU's failed policies of stimulating growth and wasteful spending. January 16th, 2013, European Parliament, Strasbourg.

video source from DanielHannanMEP YouTube channel



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