Socijalista se zgražava pogledom na skupu kuću ...

Socijalista se zgražava pogledom na skupu kuću i misli: "Niko ne bi trebao da živi tako."

Kapitalista vidi tu istu kuću i misli: "Svako bi trebao da bude u mogućnosti da živi ovako."


A socialist is disgusted by an expensive house ...

A socialist is disgusted by an expensive house, and thinks, "No one should live like that."

A capitalist sees that same house and thinks, "Everyone should be able to live like this."


Natasha Srdoc on corruption in Croatia, Slovenia and the Balkans

Statement from Natasha Srdoc, Chairman, Adriatic Institute on former PM Janez Jansa's conviction in the Slovene bribery case connected to Finland's Patria company and the pin-prick strike against colossal corruption in Croatia, Slovenia and the Balkans:

It is vitally important to root out rampant corruption in SE Europe and address the $111.6 billion in illicit financial outflows via crime, corruption and tax evasion during 2001-2010 which has devastated economies, left millions of youth with an uncertain future and marginalized citizens with punitive taxes and the heavy weight of debt.

Ili kako je "država" nesposobna da štedi

Jedna potpuno banalna i vjerovatno ​svim prolaznicima kroz ulicu Carice Milice u Banjaluci neprimjetna stvar me je podstakla da napišem ovih par redaka.


Nikola Parun u jutarnjem programu Happy televizije o Festivalu poreskih obveznika

Portparol Fiskalne koalicije, Nikola Parun, u jutarnjem programu Happy televizije.

Izvor: Tim Izdrzavanje YouTube kanal.


Nijedno društvo nikada nije napredovalo jer je imalo veliku i rastuću klasu parazita koji žive na račun onih koji proizvode

"Nijedno društvo nikada nije napredovalo jer je imalo veliku i rastuću klasu parazita koji žive na račun onih koji proizvode." - Thomas Sowell


No society ever thrived because it had a large and growing class of parasites living off those who produce

"No society ever thrived because it had a large and growing class of parasites living off those who produce." - Thomas Sowell


Defend Your Wallet - Taxpayers' Festival in Belgrade

If you are wondering why is your wallet thinner and thinner, there are three answers:
1. Burdensome taxes
2. Huge government spending
3. Unreasonable amounts of government debt

More details on this event here:


Odbrani novčanik - Festival poreskih obveznika u Beogradu

Ako se pitaš zašto ti je novčanik sve tanji, tri su odgovora:
1. Veliki državni nameti
2. Ogromna državna potrošnja
3. Nerazumno državno zaduživanje

Više detalja o ovome događaju ovdje:


Nigel Farage: Tax Avoidance? 'I Hope Taxpayers All Over Europe Listen to This ...'

“I hope that the taxpayers all over Europe listen to this: if we look at the EU officials who work for the European Commission and work for the European Parliament, the highest category are people that earn a net take home pay of just over 100 thousand pounds a year. And yet under EU rules they pay tax of 12%. It is tax fraud on an absolutely massive scale.” Nigel Farage MEP, leader of UK Independence Party (UKIP). Joint debate: European Council meeting (22 May 2013) – tax avoidance and tax havens, European Parliament, Strasbourg, 21 May 2013. Source: UKIPmeps YouTube channel.

Translated by: Jadranko Brkic



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