Ron Manners on his experiences in bringing about positive change in society

“Well after all that, would we do it again? And we looked around and we saw the company in which we were keeping that night. We looked around into the faces of the people that we gathered there, and we all agreed that yes, we'd do it all again, because each of us have enriched the lives of each other. And when you look back, that's the measure of success. Who have you traveled life's experience with? People you respect, people you've learned from, the people you want to treasure as friends for the rest of your life. The answer is yes I'd do it again.”


Ron Manners o svojim iskustvima u donošenju pozitivnih promjena u društvu

“Poslije svega toga, da li bismo to ponovo učinili? Zatim smo pogledali oko sebe u društvo koje smo te noći oko sebe okupili. Gledali smo okolo u lica ljudi koje smo tamo okupili i svi smo se složili da je odgovor na to pitanje da, mi bismo sve to ponovo učinili, jer svi smo obogatili živote jedni drugima. A kada se osvrnete nazad, to je mjera uspeha. Sa kim ste putovali svoje životno iskustvo? Sa ljudima koje poštujete, sa ljudima od kojih ste naučili, sa ljudima koje želite čuvati kao prijatelje do kraja vašeg života. Odgovor je da, učinio bih to ponovo.”


UKIP leaders Nigel Farage and Roger Helmer conveyed concerns over widespread corruption problems in Croatia

This week in the European Parliament, Brussels at a meeting chaired by Nigel Farage, MEP, UKIP Leader and Co-Chairman, Europe of Freedom and Democracy:

Adriatic Institute's co-founders addressed parliamentarians plus their senior staff members and advisors on Croatia's $15.2 billion in illicit financial outflows via crime, corruption and tax evasion and the Balkans' $111.6 billion which left the region for secret bank accounts in Austria and Liechtenstein. AI leaders appreciated the parliamentarians' support to address the Balkans' colossal corruption.


UKIP čelnici Nigel Farage i Roger Helmer prenosili zabrinutost zbog hrvatskih korupcijskih problema

Ovaj tjedan u Europskom parlamentu u Briselu, na sastanku kojim je predsjedavao Nigel Farage, parlamentarac iz Velike Britanije:

Suosnivači Adriatic instituta obratili su se parlamentarcima i njihovim višim savjetnicima vezano za rješavanje 15,2 milijarde dolara nezakonitih financijskih odljeva koji su napustili Hrvatsku putem kriminala, korupcije i porezne utaje, te 111,6 m...ilijarde dolara koje je napustilo regiju Balkana i sjelo na tajne račune u Austriji i Lihtenštajnu. AI čelnici cijene podršku parlamentaraca za rješavanje kolosalne korupcije u Hrvatskoj i na Balkanu. UKIP čelnici Nigel Farage i Roger Helmer su dosljedno prenosili zabrinutost zbog hrvatskih korupcijskih problema - slabe vladavine prava i blokiranih ekonomskih reformi te upozoravali EU dužnosnike i porezne obveznike.


Ron Manners on his unusual path to libertarianism, creating more effective libertarian publications, and ways of fighting government bureaucracy

“When I was I think about sixteen, after high-school, I was working in my father's engineering business and I was unpacking some big crates that had come from America with some mining equipment. In those days there was no polyurethane, there was no bubble wrap to pack these things, to stop them moving. But in these crates were crumpled up magazines. And the magazines I remember clearly were called “The Freeman” magazine, the monthly magazine produced by this Foundation for Economic Education in New York. As a sixteen year old I smoothed those magazines out and I took them home and read them. I loved the talk of an individual responsibility, of a self sufficiency, and really it was the essence of entrepreneurship - the message of the free market.”


Ron Manners o svom neobičnom putu do libertarijanizma, kreiranju efikasnijih libertarijanskih publikacija, i o načinu borbe protiv državne birokracije

“Kad sam imao oko šesnaest godina, poslije srednje škole, radio sam u inženjerskoj firmi moga oca i jednom prilikom sam raspakivao neke velike sanduke koji su došli iz Amerike sa nekom rudarskom opremom u njima. U to vrijeme nije bilo stiropola ili plastičnih omotača za pakovanje ovih stvari da bi se spriječilo njihovo kretanje. Ali u ovim sanducima su bili zgužvani magazini. Jasno se sjećam da su to bili magazini koji su se zvali "Freeman" magazin, mjesečnik koji izdaje "Fondacija za ekonomsku edukaciju" iz Njujorka. Kao šesnaestogodisnjak izgladio sam te časopise i odnijeo ih kući da ih čitam. Zaljubio sam se u priču o individualnoj odgovornosti, o za samoodrživosti, i zaista to je bila suština preduzetništva - poruka slobodnog tržišta.”


Škole razmišljanja u klasičnom liberalizmu - 1 dio: uvod

Šta je ispravna uloga države? Šta države treba da rade, a šta ne trebaju da rade? Svi klasični liberali se slažu da država treba da bude ograničena, ali se ne slažu o tome kako doći do tog cilja. Slijedeći video serijal analizira različite škole razmišljanja u klasičnom liberalizmu.

Prevod: Savo Gajić


Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism – part 1: Introduction

What is the proper role of government? What should governments do, and what should they not do? Classical liberals all agree that government should be limited, but they disagree about how they get to that conclusion. The following video series analyzes different schools of thought in classical liberalism.


Daniel Hannan: ako ljudima date veću odgovornost oni se ponašaju odgovornije

Daniel Hannan govori na plenarnoj sjednici ispred Evropskog parlamenta u Strasbourgu 12. septembra, 2013. “Šta mislite o ovome - možda će zvučati kontra-intuitivno: ako ljude učinite odgovornima za njihove gubitke, ako je jasno da će oni sami snositi posljedice, onda vam neće trebati sva ova regulatorna tijela, jer ćete time imati najjači podsticaj za sprečavanje bankrota. Ako ljudima veću odgovornost, oni se ponašaju odgovornije.” Izvor: DanHannanMEP YouTube kanal.

Preveo Jadranko Brkić


Daniel Hannan: If you give people more responsibility, they behave more responsibly

Daniel Hannan addresses the European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg on 12th September 2013. “How about this – it may sound counter-intuitive: if you make people responsible for their own losses, if it is clear that they will carry the can, then you will not need all of these regulatory bodies, because the strongest incentive will be there to prevent bankruptcy. If you give people more responsibility, they behave more responsibly.” Source: DanHannanMEP YouTube channel.

Translated by Jadranko Brkic



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