Interview: Professor Walter Block on Open Borders

In this interview Professor Walter Block presents a libertarian perspective on Open Borders.


Gerald Celente - No Foreign Entanglements

Gerald Celente on the insanity of endless war. "The Middle-East policy in the United States has been nothing but disaster after disaster."


Gerald Celente – Ne stranim uplitanjima

Gerald Celente o ludilu beskrajnog ratovanja. "Politika Sjedinjenih Američkih Država prema Bliskom Istoku je bila ništa drugo nego katastrofa za katastrofom."


Milton Friedman - Capitalism and the Future of Freedom

Milton Friedman points out the economic superiority of the capitalist system, but displays worry about America’s future. “So the only societies which have been able to create broadly based relative prosperity had been those societies which relied primarily on capitalist markets. That's true whether you take Hong Kong vs mainland China, East Germany vs West Germany, Czechoslovakia before WWII and currently, you cannot find a single exception to that proposition.”


Milton Friedman – Kapitalizam i budućnost slobode

Milton Friedman ističe ekonomsku superiornost kapitalističkog sistema, ali i izražava zabrinutost za budućnost Amerike. “jedina društva koja su bila u stanju da stvore široko opsežan relativni prosperitet bila su ona društva koje su se oslanjala prije svega na kapitalistička tržišta. To je istina bilo da govorite o Hong Kongu nasuprot Kini, Istočnoj Njemačkoj nasuprot Zapadnoj Njemačkoj, Čehoslovačkoj prije Drugog svjetskog rata i danas, ne možete naći ni jedan izuzetak od te propozicije.”


Gerard Batten: Magna Carta Destroyed by EU Membership

“This place talks a lot about fundamental rights. And the idea might be novel to some of the countries represented here, given their recent histories. But we had fundamental rights in England, established over centuries. We recently celebrated the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, a key milestone in that process.”


Gerard Batten: Magna Carta uništena članstvom EU

“U ovoj instituciji se mnogo govori o osnovnim pravima. I ta ideja može biti novina za neke od zemalja koje su ovdje zastupljene, s obzirom na njihove nedavne istorije. Ali mi u Engleskoj smo imali osnovna prava, utvrđena tokom vijekova. Nedavno smo proslavili 800. godišnjicu Magne Carte, ključna karika u tom procesu.”


This just in

Free market capitalism does not include:
a government monopoly over the money supply,
corporate bailouts and subsidies, taxation,
redistribution of wealth,
wage & price setting,
protectionism, tariffs, and regulations.


Upravo pristigle vijesti

Kapitalizam slobodnog tržišta ne podrazumijeva:
državni monopol nad novčanom masom u opticaju,
korporativna izbavljenja i subvencije, oporezivanje,
preraspodjelu bogatstva,
kontrolu plata i cijena,
protekcionizam, tarife, i regulacije.

ESFL 2015 Regional Conference in Belgrade

European Student for Liberty is inviting you to the Fourth European Students For Liberty Regional Conference in Belgrade, Serbia! This conference will be co-hosted by the biggest Serbian pro-liberty organization Libertarian Club Libek from Belgrade with support from the local groups of Students For Liberty Serbia. 

The conference will be held at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade in Belgrade, Serbia on the 7th of November. This is a great opportunity to hear lectures from some of the most important names in the libertarian movement from the region and the world, to hear talks on political theory as well as the topics that are trending in the last couple of years. 



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