Miodrag Zec - Dijagnoza Srbije

Ekonomista Miodrag Zec u emisiji Ćirilica, 21. Mart 2011.

Voditelj: Milomir Marić
Video preuzet sa tvhappyserbia YouTube kanala.


Nigel Farage: EU Economic Governance is Anti-Democratic Dictatorship

Nigel Farage in his "I told You So" moment, European Parliament, Strasbourg, September 14th 2011.

(video at the bottom of the text)


Mr. Nigel Farage from Europe of Freedom and Democracy.

Nigel Farage:


Nigel Farage: EU Ekonomska Vladavina je Anti-Demokratski Diktatorijat

Nigel Farage u svome "Rekao sam vam da će tako biti" momentu, Evropski Parlament, Strasbourg, 14 Septembar 2011.

(video na dnu teksta)


Jerzy Buzek:

Gospodin Nigel Farage iz grupe Evropa Slobode i Demokracije.


Ron Paul-ovo Tajno Oružje

Pitanje: Zašto sve veći broj ljudi koji se ne slažu sa libertarijanskim principima slobode ipak podržavaju Ron Paul-a?
Odgovor: Preko 30 godina konzistencije!

Ako vas ovaj video ne natjera da pustite suzu za poruku slobode, nista drugo to nikada neće učiniti!


Ron Paul's Secret Weapon

Question: Why do so many people who don't agree with the libertarian message of freedom still flock to Ron Paul?
Answer: Over 30 Years of Consistency!

If this video doesn't make you shed a tear for for liberty, nothing ever will!


Freedom Solutions: all Ron Paul's answers from CNN Debate

All of Ron Paul's answers from the CNN debate, September 12th, 2011.


Rješenja Slobode: Ron Paul - CNN Debata

Svi odgovori republikanskog kongresmena Ron Paul-a u CNN debati, 12 Septembra 2011.


Nigel Farage to Croatians: why on earth would you want to give up your hard won independence?

In his visit to Croatia on 6th of September 2011 in support of the NO argument in regards the country's EU membership, UKIP lider and EU MEP Nigel Farage gave his views on the state of the European Union and about Croatia's future in it:

“I would argue very strongly, that even if you were to join the European Union, now would be a very very poor time to do it. And just look at the structure, just look at the way this whole project operates. It is the European Commission, it is unelected bureaucracy that have the sole right of initiative.”


Nigel Farage Hrvatima: zašto na kugli zemaljskoj želite odustati od teško izborenog suvereniteta?

U posjeti Hrvatskoj 6 Septembra 2011 godine, lider Britanske euroskeptične stranke UKIP i član Evropskog Parlamenta Nigel Farage dao je svoje viđenje o stanju u Evropskoj Uniji i o budućnosti Hrvatske u njoj:

“Ja bih snažno argumentovao da čak i ako bi ste se odlučili priključiti Evropskoj uniji, to bi sada trenutno bilo vrlo vrlo loše vrijeme da se učini. I samo pogledajte na strukturu, pogledajte na način na koji cijeli ovaj projekat funkcioniše. Evropska komisija je ta, neizabrana birokratija je ta koja ima isključivo pravo inicijative.”


Documentary Film: Answers of Freedom (2008)

Local documentary which talks about the history, branches, and principles of libertarianism (classical liberalism).

first part at the bottom of this article
second part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyuHwaAVCfE
third part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU-U7faCtwo



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