veljače 2022

There can be no such thing as fairness in taxation

There can be no such thing as 'fairness in taxation. 'Taxation is nothing but organized theft, and the concept of a 'fair tax' is therefore every bit as absurd as that of 'fair theft.' - Murray Rothbard


Ne može postojati takva stvar kao što je 'pravičnost u oporezivanju

"Ne može postojati takva stvar kao što je 'pravičnost u oporezivanju.' Oporezivanje nije ništa drugo do organizovana krađa, i koncept 'poštenog poreza' je stoga jednako apsurdan kao i onaj o 'poštenoj krađi.'" - Murray Rothbard


Novak Djokovic breaks silence over Covid vaccine refusal - BBC News

Tennis star Novak Djokovic has said he would rather miss out on future trophies than be forced to get a Covid vaccine. Speaking exclusively to the BBC, he said he should not be associated with the anti-vax movement, but supported an individual's right to choose. The Serbian was asked if he would sacrifice taking part in competitions such as Wimbledon and the French Open over his stance on the vaccine.

Source: BBC News.


Novak Đoković ekskluzivno za BBC

U prvom intervjuu posle "australijske sage", Novak Đoković kaže za BBC da bi radije žrtvovao teniske trofeje ako bi bio primoran da se vakciniše protiv kovida-19.

Izvor: BBC nasrpskom jeziku.



Jordan Peterson - If you can think, and speak, and write, you are absolutely deadly

“if you can formulate your arguments coherently and make a presentation, if you can speak to people, if you can lay out a proposal, God, people give you money, they give you opportunities, you have influence.” From Jordan B Peterson's video "2017 Maps of Meaning 06: Story and Metastory (Part 2)":



Jordan Peterson - Ako umijete da mislite, govorite i pišete, apsolutno ste ubitačni

“ako umijete da formulišete svoje argumente koherentno i napravite prezentaciju, ako znate da razgovarate sa ljudima, ako možete da iznesete prijedlog, dragi Bože, ljudi vam daju novac, daju vam mogućnosti, i vi imate uticaj.” Isječak iz Jordan B Peterson videa "2017 Maps of Meaning 06: Story and Metastory (Part 2)":



Peter Schiff - Government creates inequality, not prosperity


So many people blame inequality on capitalism, right! These guys are greedy. They're out of control. We need to rein them in. We need to tax them. Can you correct that myth? Why is it that this isn't capitalism? And why do we see this wealth inequality growing as a result of what government is actually doing?

Peter Schiff:


Peter Schiff - Država stvara nejednakost a ne prosperitet


Mnogi ljudi za nejednakost okrivljuju kapitalizam, zar ne! Ovi ljudi su pohlepni. Oni su van kontrole. Moramo da ih obuzdamo. Moramo da ih oporezujemo. Možete li da ispravite taj mit? Zašto ovo nije kapitalizam? I zašto vidimo da ova nejednakost u bogatstvu raste kao rezultat onoga što zapravo radi država?

Peter Schiff:
