Brazil gained prestige in landing the World Cup and Olympics, but sometimes hosting a major global event isn’t as glamorous as it seems. For a start, it’s difficult to justify massive spending — Brazil plans to spend $31 billion between the two — for such a temporary payoff. . Many venues created for these events, including those erected for the Olympic Games in Athens and Beijing, have fallen into disrepair after the celebrations ended. Many workers die on these massive construction projects — hundreds, already, for Qatar’s 2022 World Cup. Government often evicts lots of people from their homes, as Beijing did to over 1.5 million people in anticipation of the 2008 Summer Olympics. So why are cities and countries so eager to host? Often for the international prestige. However, support can sour quickly, as it has in Brazil, when the real costs became more apparent. Economist Matt Ryan from Duquesne University asks you to consider those costs now – a country that wins the bid may lose big overall. Source: Learn Liberty YouTube channel.
Brazil je stekao ugled u osvajanju domaćinstva za Svjetsko prvenstvo u fudbalu i Olimpijske igre, ali biti domaćin velikih globalnih događaja ponekad i nije glamurozno kao što se čini. Za početak, teško je opravdati ogromnunu potrošnju - Brazil planira da potroši $ 31 milijardu dolara za te dvije manifestacije - za tako privremenu otplatu. Mnogi objekti kreirani za ove događaje, uključujući i one podignute za Olimpijske igre u Atini i Pekingu, su pali u zapuštenost nakon što su proslave zaključene. Mnogi radnici poginu na ovim masivnim građevinskim projektima - već stotine njih za Svjetsko prvenstvo 2022. u Kataru. Vlasti često iseljavaju mnogo ljudi iz njihovih domova, kao što je i Peking uradio sa preko 1,5 miliona ljudi u organiziranju Ljetnjih olimpijskih igara za 2008. Zašto su gradovi i zemlje tako željni da budu domaćini? Često je to zbog međunarodnog prestiža. Međutim, podrška se brzo usprotivi, kao što je to slučaj u Brazilu, kada su stvarni troškovi postali očigledni. Ekonomista Matt Ryan iz Duquesne univerziteta vas upućuje da razmotrite te troškove na vrijeme - zemlja koja dobije na tenderu sveukupno gledajući može da izgubi veoma mnogo. Izvor: Learn Liberty YouTube kanal.
Conversation with Dr. David Friedman about some of the solutions and potential issues of anarcho-capitalism, as well as possible ways of advancing ideas of free society and turning them into reality. Part 2: Natural Rights vs Consequentialist Anarcho-capitalism.
Interview by Jadranko Brkic, Managing Director at Freedom and Prosperity TV: libertarian network of alternative media in Western Balkans. Hong Kong, May 21st, 2014..
Razgovor sa doktorom Davidom Friedmanom o nekim od rješenja njegove verzije anarho-kapitalizma, o potencijalnim problemima anarho-kapitalizma, kao i mogućim načinima ostvarenja slobodnog društva. Drugi dio: Anarho-kapitalizam prirodnog prava i konsekvencijalni anarho-kapitalizam.
Intervjuisao Jadranko Brkic. Hong Kong, 21 maj, 2014.
Why is it so difficult to learn new ideas? Allegory of the Cave, a part from the Plato's Republic, shows the deceptive nature of human perception and difficulty and importance of education. Video source: swunurful YouTube channel.
Zašto je tako teško okrenuti glavu i spoznati ideje? Alegorija pećine, odlomak iz djela Republika, napisan od strane Platona, u kojoj je praveći paralelu između zatočenika u pećini i slobodnih ljudi, na veličanstven način objašnjena obmanjujuća priroda ljudske percepcije i težina spoznaje novih ideja. Djelo je napisano u obliku razgovora između Sokrata i Glaukona (Platonov mlađi brat). Video izvor: swunurful YouTube kanal.
Dođite i istražite Albaniju sa prijateljima iz Internacionalne Zajednice za Individualnu Slobodu (ISIL) i razgovarajte o idejama za izgradnju istinski prosperitetnog i mirnog društva!
Come explore Albania with ISIL friends and discuss ideas for a truly prosperous and peaceful society!
Each year ISIL hosts an international conference somewhere new in the world. This is a fantastic way to learn first hand what’s happening on the ground in different countries. Not what the media tells you is happening, but from local libertarians. Hear from an engaging and diverse range of speakers from a variety of countries the latest in libertarian and free-market thought as well as what is being done by local activist movements to promote freedom.
The 7th annual Liberty Seminars will be held September 22-27, 2014 at Hotel Jezero, Lake Bohinj, Slovenia. The Liberty Seminars are a life-time opportunity to DISCUSS, PRESENT & DEBATE human rights, markets, public policies and law in breathtaking scenery of the Julian Alps. The 2014 Liberty Seminars will welcome 40 undergraduates, graduates and young professionals from a ray of backgrounds and from all over the world who share a passion for liberty. ALL ABOUT THE LIBERTY SEMINARS. The 2014 Liberty Seminars application form is available HERE (deadline: July 1, 2014).
Sedmi po redu godisnji Liberty seminar ce biti odrzan 22-27 septembra, 2014 u hotelu Jezero, na Bohinjskom jezeru, Slovenija. SVE INFORMACIJE O LIBERTY SEMINARIMA SU DOSTUPNE NA OVOM LINKU. Aplikacija za 2014 Liberty Seminar aplikacija je dostupna OVDJE (rok aplikacije: 1 juli, 2014).