studenog 2013

Speak up, speak often, and don't worry about those that at this point can not understand

"Speak up, speak often, and don't worry about those that at this point can not understand as they can never un-hear what we tell them." - Ron Paul


Govorite glasno, govorite često, i ne brinite o onima koji u ovom trenutku ne mogu da razumiju

"Govorite glasno, govorite često, i ne brinite o onima koji u ovom trenutku ne mogu da razumiju, jer oni nikada ne mogu da odagnaju ono što im mi kažemo." - Ron Paul


The government is good at one thing

The government is good at one thing.  It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, 'See if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk'. - Harry Browne


Država je dobra u jednoj stvari

Država je dobra u jednoj stvari. Ona zna kako da ti polomi noge i zatim ti da štake i kaže, "Vidiš, da nije države, ti ne bi mogao da hodaš." - Harry Browne


Mogu li ljudi oporezivati sebe u prosperitet?

Mogu li ljudi oporezivati sebe u prosperitet? Može čovjek stati u kantu i podići se podizanjem za ručicu? - Winston Churchill


Can a people tax themselves into prosperity?

Can a people tax themselves into prosperity? Can a man stand in a bucket and lift himself up by the handle? - Winston Churchill


Milton Friedman: Uloga proizvođača u povećanju regulacija

Milton Friedman objašnjava kako proizvođači, i pored toga što često javno govore u podršku kapitalizma slobodnog tržišta, su takođe veoma često i podstrekači državne regulacije i kontrole za sopstvenu korist. Izvor: Common Sense Capitalism YouTube kanal.


Milton Friedman: Producers' Role in Increased Regulation

Milton Friedman explains how big business, while publicly coming out in support of the free market capitalism, are also often the instigators of government regulation and control for their own benefit. Source: Common Sense Capitalism YouTube channel.


Freedom Barometar 2013 - Zapadni Balkan

"Freedom Barometar ( kompilira podatke koji ocjenjuju političku slobodu, zastupljenost vladavine prava i ekonomske slobode u jedan indeks. ... Napravljen je koristeći najpoznatije indekse u oblasti ekonomske slobode, političke slobode, i vladavine prava ..."


Freedom Barometer 2013 - Western Balkans

From the Freedom Barometer website: "Freedom Barometer ( compiles data that assess political freedom, prevalence of the rule of law and economic freedom into one single index. ... It is built on the most renowned indices in the field of economic freedom, political freedom and rule of law..."

Freedom Barometer 2013 findings for countries of Western Balkans:

