Happy 103rd Birthday Milton Friedman

On today's day (31. July 1912) 103 years ago was born one of the most distinguished economists of the 20th century, winner of Nobel Prize for Economics, and a great libertarian thinker Milton Friedman.

Friedman's ability to explain difficult hard economic problems, so that little children could understand them, is the main reason why Freedom and Prosperity TV has very often translated his works and shared it with the public in countries of Western Balkans.  Thanks to those sustained efforts our multimedia library now has tens of video clips and quotes containing Milton Friedman's work, which is just a small sample from his enormous body of work, which we will continue to collect, organize, and disseminate in public.

We would like to use this opportunity to invite our readers in the honor of the 103rd birthday of Milton Friedman to spend some time in the coming days on  our website and our YouTube channel and explore some of the Friedman's ideas filmed in documentaries,TV show appearances, and university lectures.  We would also like our viewers to share some these materials with friends on social media.

Once again, happy birthday to a great economist, whose vast body of intellectual work serves as a model to libertarians world wide how to argument and defend individual freedom and free markets.